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Home » Dream Train Internet Co., Ltd. 23.6% of people have used the “simultaneous viewing function” of a subscription service, with differences depending on age and marital status.

Dream Train Internet Co., Ltd. 23.6% of people have used the “simultaneous viewing function” of a subscription service, with differences depending on age and marital status.

[Dream Train Internet Co., Ltd.] 23.6% of people have used the “simultaneous viewing function” of a subscription service, with differences depending on age and marital status.

*View in browser* *Dream Train Internet Co., Ltd.*
Press release: June 11, 2024
23.6% of people have used the “simultaneous viewing function” of a subscription service, with differences depending on age and marital status.
Information on anime, movies, and dramas operated by Dream Train Internet Co., Ltd. (Headquarters: Shibuya-ku, Tokyo, President and CEO: Takashi Shimizu, hereinafter referred to as “DTI”) with the concept of “encountering works that will make your daily life more enjoyable.” “Entermeet”, which distributes information on VOD services and video distribution services, conducted a survey regarding VOD services among 500 men and women in their teens to 50s nationwide, and compiled the characteristics by age group.

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* [Survey overview] *
Target audience: Men and women aged 15 to 59
Sample size: 500 people (13 people did not respond)
Place of residence: Nationwide
Research method: Internet research
Survey implementation date: January 16, 2024 to January 29, 2024

* [Question: Please tell us about the usage status of the VOD service’s “simultaneous viewing function”* to date. 】*
*: A VOD service feature that allows you to watch works while chatting with friends and family over the network.

1. I actively use it myself (more than 5 times)
2. I sometimes use it myself (2-4 times)
3. I have used it myself (once)
Four. I only use it when I’m invited.
Five. I’ve never used it, but I’m interested.
6. I have never used it and have no interest in it.
7. There is no function/I don’t know it exists

When we conducted a survey of men and women in their teens to fifties across the country asking, “Please tell us about your past usage of the simultaneous viewing function of VOD services,” those who answered “I have used it” It was 23.6%.

Looking at the breakdown, the most common response among users was “I actively use it myself (5 or more times)” at 8.6%. This was followed by 7.4% who said “I sometimes use it myself (2 to 4 times),” followed by 3.9% who said “I have used it myself (once).” In addition, 52.6% of people answered that “there is no function/I don’t know that it exists.”

By gender
When looking at the results by gender, it became clear that the percentage of people using the simultaneous viewing function was higher among men. In particular, 61.2% of women answered that “I don’t have this function/I don’t know that it exists,” which suggests that simultaneous viewing itself is not very popular among women. Additionally, there was little difference between men and women in the percentage of people who used the service five or more times, but men outperformed other users in terms of frequency of use.

By age group
By age group, 34% of people in their 20s and 30s use the simultaneous viewing function regardless of frequency, while only 8% of people in their 50s use the simultaneous viewing function. It can be seen that there is a large difference in utilization rate. After the coronavirus pandemic, the digital native generation has become more connected with people on the Internet, including SNS, so they are comfortable using various services on the Internet, and are also smoothly using the simultaneous viewing function. There may be many people who are. On the other hand, 27.0% of people in their 50s answered that they had never used it and had no interest in it, compared to other age groups. , it is inferred that it is difficult to form an image.

Looking at single and married people, we found that the percentage of people using the simultaneous viewing function was about 10% higher for married people. In particular, the response rate for “I actively use the service myself (5 or more times)” was 5.5%, and the response rate for “I sometimes use the service myself (2 to 4 times)” was 6.4% higher, and the response rate for unmarried people was higher. This indicates that more people use the simultaneous viewing function more frequently than married people, and those who live away from home for long periods of time due to business trips or work assignments. It may be.

By using the simultaneous viewing function, anyone can easily enjoy movies with family and friends online. Nowadays, with the spread of subscription services, a huge number of works can be easily viewed. By using the simultaneous viewing function, you may be able to enjoy things like never before, such as introducing your own recommended works, or having someone tell you what to watch together.
Entertainment provides information on a wide range of works such as movies, dramas, and anime, so please use it as a reference.

* About “Entermeet” * ** Based on the concept of “encountering works that will make your daily life more enjoyable,” we provide information on anime, movies, and dramas from a fan’s perspective.
We deliver useful information that you’ll want to share with others, such as new release information, insights, niche information, and great deals on video distribution services.

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