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Home » Application deadline: August 18 General Incorporated Association Desilo launches “Desilo Academic Incubator Program”, a subsidy program for researchers in the fields of humanities and social sciences

Application deadline: August 18 General Incorporated Association Desilo launches “Desilo Academic Incubator Program”, a subsidy program for researchers in the fields of humanities and social sciences

[Application deadline: August 18] General Incorporated Association Desilo launches “Desilo Academic Incubator Program”, a subsidy program for researchers in the fields of humanities and social sciences Creating new points of contact between research and society and supporting sustainable research activities

General Incorporated Association Desilo will start accepting applications for the “Desilo Academic Incubator Program” from July 4, 2023, which supports the activities of researchers in the humanities and social sciences. In addition to providing research funds for a single year, we will explore new points of contact between research in the humanities and social sciences and society, and provide
comprehensive support for research activities.

Currently, against the backdrop of the argument that “humanities departments are unnecessary,” the number of academic posts in the fields of humanities and social sciences is declining, and issues related to the development of ecosystems surrounding research activities are being pointed out.
However, research in the fields of the humanities and social sciences should provide us with great suggestions for deciphering “what kind of era are we living in today?” Desilo was established based on this idea, and has continued its activities as an academic incubator that supports researchers in the humanities and social sciences. As part of this activity, we are launching the “Desilo Academic Incubator Program”.
Related article:
・Now is the time for research in the humanities and social sciences that responds to the “age” and “society”—the perspective of the Desilo Academic Incubator Program Review Committee ・Aiming for an interdisciplinary place where “own thought” emerges ─ 2023, Desilo’s prospects
・A catalyst called an “editor” that connects “research” and “society” ──On the establishment of the General Incorporated Association Desilo

In addition to creating new points of contact between research and society, this program will also support the career design of researchers. For example, Ms. Maho Isono, an independent
anthropologist who is a director of the General Incorporated Association Desilo and a member of the judging committee for this program, points out the following:
“Academia, especially in the humanities and social sciences, is designed on the premise that researchers are full-time university employees. If you can’t ride a truck, the foundation of your life itself becomes unstable—it’s a very disparate society.”
There are some researchers who find employment as in-house researchers and others who continue their research activities while maintaining their main jobs. , creating new points of contact between research and society, and building a model for sustainable activities.
In the field of activity of researchers, outreach to society according to their characteristics, such as lectures for the general public, establishment of fan clubs, participation in research by corporate and administrative experts, contribution and writing to non-academic journals, etc. I would like to support the consideration and implementation of monetization that is linked to that.
Of course, it is a program that supports outreach to society, but it does not mean that it is “mainly engaged in activities to transmit information to society.” Support for research activities is the main focus, and I hope that Desilo will support the output destination of the value created in the process of that activity and the point of contact with society.
We look forward to receiving applications from those who are interested in returning knowledge gained through research to society and in career design for the next generation of researchers. Activity overview
In this program, in addition to providing research grants totaling 1 million yen, we are planning the following initiatives through the Desilo platform.
1. Publishing general books at “De-Silo Publishing”
Using Substack, an information dissemination platform used by Desilo, publish serial articles based on research themes. We aim to connect research and society by compiling the contents of the dissemination and publishing it as a general book.
* There is no deadline for the timing of serialization or publication. When your research deepens and you wish to publish it as a result, the editors of the desilo management members will support the publication. 2. Support for outreach of research activities to society
Desilo management members will support the outreach of knowledge born from research activities. Knowledge outreach according to the characteristics of researchers, such as opening lectures and fan clubs for the general public, participating in research by corporate and administrative experts, contributing to and writing in non-academic journals, and supporting monetization accordingly will be carried out. For example, for public lectures, services such as “Shirasu”, a broadcasting platform produced and operated by Genron, and “FILTR”, which supports the delivery of lectures by researchers in the humanities field, have appeared. There are also researchers who use “CAMPFIRE community” and “note” to gather supporters for their research and writing activities. We will support the utilization of these platforms and services according to the characteristics of researchers.
3. Providing opportunities to participate in seminars and events We will provide an opportunity to deepen your research theme through participation in an interdisciplinary program run by Desilo, where researchers from various fields gather, and exchange/discussion with two other selected researchers.
Outline of public offering
[Open application period] July 4, 2023 (Tuesday) to August 18 (Friday) [Recruitment target]
・Researchers who have a doctoral degree or are enrolled in a doctoral course in the humanities or social sciences
・People who have no experience of publishing a single author in commercial publishing, except for the publication of a doctoral dissertation
・ Those who can sympathize with the activity philosophy of Desilo *It does not matter if you are affiliated with a university or not. [Number of applicants] 3 people *Please note that regardless of the selection results, we may contact you individually in order to promote the humanities and social sciences as Desilo in the future.
[Amount of grant] 1 million yen *The use is not limited to research expenses, and 30% of the grant can be used for living expenses. [How to apply] Please fill in the necessary information on this application form.
[Selection method]
Submitted research themes/plans will be reviewed according to the following five criteria.
1. Willingness to connect research and society
Is there a willingness to open up research to society and create diverse points of contact that go beyond dissemination of research content?
2. Response to the times and society
Is there a research theme that will decipher “what kind of era are we living in now?”
3. Novelty in research
Whether the knowledge of the relevant research field is utilized in areas that have not been applied so far, while standing on the foundation of scholarship. Also, is it likely that the development of research will create points of contact with diverse societies? Four. Appropriateness of study method/plan
Is the research method specific and appropriate to achieve the research objectives? Also, is the research plan set as concrete and achievable?
Five. Possibility of spillover to other academic fields
Is the theme/research issue not limited to the relevant research field, but will it be possible to collaborate with other academic fields, cross-disciplinary, and interdisciplinary efforts in the future?
[Selection Committee] In this program, 6 judges will review the submitted research theme/plan.

Yuki Anzai (Representative Director and Co-CEO of MIMIGURI Co., Ltd. / Specially Appointed Assistant Professor, Interfaculty Initiative in Information Studies, University of Tokyo)
Representative Director and Co-CEO of MIMIGURI Co., Ltd. / Specially Appointed Assistant Professor, Interfaculty Initiative in Information Studies, University of Tokyo
Graduated from the University of Tokyo Faculty of Engineering and completed the doctoral course at the University of Tokyo Graduate School of Interdisciplinary Information Studies. Ph.D.
(Interdisciplinary Information Studies). After obtaining a doctorate, founded Mimikuri Design Co., Ltd. After that, merged with DONGURI Co., Ltd. and assumed the position of Representative Director and Co-CEO of MIMIGURI Co., Ltd. While going back and forth between management and research, I am exploring facilitation methodologies that enhance the creativity of people and organizations. His major publications include “Question Design: Facilitation of Creative Dialogue”, “Question Manners: Techniques for Bringing Out the Attractiveness and Talent of Teams”, “Paradox Thinking: Optimal Problem Solving in a World Full of Contradictions”, Publications include “Research Driven Innovation” and “Workshop Design Theory”.
Kyoko Tominaga (Sociologist/Associate Professor, College of Social Sciences, Ritsumeikan University/Executive Director, Synodos Institute for Global Trends)
Associate Professor, College of Social Sciences, Ritsumeikan University / Director, Synods Institute for Global Trends
Born in Sapporo, Hokkaido in 1986. In 2009, graduated from the Faculty of Economics, Hokkaido University. In 2015, after completing the master’s and doctoral courses at the Graduate School of Humanities and Sociology, the University of Tokyo, he worked as a postdoctoral fellow of the Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS) before taking up his current position. Specializes in social movement theory. From a sociological perspective, we will understand the political aspects of people’s lives and the cultural aspects of social movements and political activities. His publications include Subculture of Social Movements (Serika Shobo), Social Movements and Young People
(Nakanishiya Publishing), and Introduction to Everyone’s Selfishness (Sousha). Serialized in Asahi Shimbun and Hokkaido Shimbun.
Yosuke Yasuda (Economist / Professor, Graduate School of Economics, Osaka University / Co-founder of Economics Design Inc.)
Professor, Graduate School of Economics, Osaka University / Co-Founder of Economics Design
Born in Tokyo in 1980. Graduated from the University of Tokyo in 2002. In 2007, he obtained a Ph.D. (Economics) from Princeton University in the United States. After serving as an associate professor at the National Graduate Institute for Policy Studies and an associate professor at Osaka University, he assumed his current position in July 2010. Specializes in game theory, market design, and industrial organization theory. Co-founded Economics Design Co., Ltd. in June 2020, and operates a consulting business and an online education service “Night School”. Major publications include “Story of ‘Japan in 2030′” (co-author), “School Choice System Design: A Game Theory Approach” (editor), and “The business problem is ‘already solved’ with the latest economics.” (co-author), “Auction Design: How the Price of Things Is Determined” (supervision), etc.
Maho Isono (Independent Anthropologist/Director of Desilo)
Anthropologist. Director Desilo. Specializes in cultural anthropology and medical anthropology. PhD (Literature). Became independent in 2020 after working as an assistant professor at the School of Culture, Media and Society, Waseda University and as an associate professor at the Graduate School of International University of Health and Welfare. Workshops, reading sessions, and online anthropology courses at FILTR, a media that explores the possibility of new learning, on the media “Karada no Shure” that considers the connection between the body and society. His publications include “Living with Others: Anthropology of Risk, Illness, and Death” (Shueisha Shinsho), “Why Can’t I Eat Regularly?—Anthropology of Anorexia and Binge Eating” (Shunjusha), “Medical Professionals Talk” An unanswered world: Anthropology of “Guardians of Life” (Chikuma Shinsho), Diet Illusions: Being thin and being loved (Chikuma Prima Shinsho), co-authored with Maoko Miyano, Sudden Feelings It gets worse” (Shobunsha). (Official site:
Yuko Kuno (Philanthropist/Social Entrepreneur/Director of Desilo) Social entrepreneur and philanthropist. Completed undergraduate, master’s and doctoral courses at the Faculty of Engineering, Kyoto University. In 1982, he received a doctorate in engineering from Kyoto University. Experienced research and development and company management in Japan and the United States as a co-founder and CEO of a bio-venture. Through these businesses, in 1994, we succeeded in commercializing the world’s first prostone-based glaucoma drug. After that, in 2006, he succeeded in commercializing a chronic idiopathic constipation and irritable bowel syndrome therapeutic drug-chloride channel opener. In 2012, he co-founded VLP Therapeutics, which aims to develop new vaccines, Halcyon, a residential social entrepreneur incubator in 2014, and Phoenixy, a residential entrepreneur support incubator in 2017. Currently working as a social entrepreneur and philanthropist in Washington DC. In addition to being a trustee of Kyoto University (until September 30, 2022), he is also a trustee of the Johns Hopkins University Medical Area, a trustee of the Henry L. Stimson Center, Ochanomizu University, and the Okinawa Institute of Science and Technology Graduate University (OIST).
Kotaro Okada (Editor/Representative Director of Desilo)
Editor. Representative Director of General Incorporated Association Desilo. “WIRED” Japanese edition editor. Partner of the creative group “PARTY”. Editorial partner for multiple companies, mainly startups. Responsible for artist management. We will work on communication support to connect society with people who create new value, such as researchers, artists, creators, and entrepreneurs, and build a funding model. Born in Tokyo in 1994. Majored in service design at Keio University. Twitter: @ktrokd
【Related article】

An article discussing the background to the establishment of this program from the perspective of the six reviewers who have been working on the connection between research and society is also available. If you are considering applying, please read through the link below. [Project Timeline]
・July 4th to August 18th, 2023 Application period
・Late September 2023 Notification to selected applicants
・ Mid-October 2023 Announcement of selected applicants
・October 2023 to September 2024 Program implementation period ・Publish general books at “De-Silo Publishing” after late 2024 *The timeline after the start of the project is tentative. It may be back and forth depending on the schedule.
About De-Silo
General Incorporated Association De-Silo is an academic incubator that supports researchers in the humanities and social sciences. Together with researchers, we explore “what kind of era are we living in?” and socialize the ideas and concepts that emerge in research. Through the three functions of foundation, publication, and community, we provide research funding and support to deliver that knowledge to society. ■ Substack
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For program inquiries and collaboration consultations, please contact us at the email address below.
De-Silo Secretariat
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