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Information on holding a business briefing session for “Sustainable Tourism Promotion Project by Preventing an d Suppressing Overtourism”

Secretariat for promoting sustainable tourism by preventing and controlling overtourism
Information on holding a business briefing session for “Sustainable Tourism Promotion Project by Preventing and Suppressing Overtourism” ……
In order to prevent and control overtourism, the Japan Tourism Agency strives to maintain relationships with local communities, including residents, in order to create sustainable tourism areas while simultaneously accepting tourists and ensuring the quality of life of residents. We will implement the “Sustainable Tourism Promotion Project by Preventing and Suppressing Overtourism” as a supplementary budget project for FY2020, which will provide comprehensive support for the establishment of a forum for consultation between people and the formulation of plans and initiatives based on consultation. . We would like to inform you that we have decided to hold a business briefing session regarding this project over two days, January 23rd and January 24th, 2021. Thank you for your participation.
1. Overview of business briefing session
・Date and time: January 23, 2020 (Tuesday) 13:00-14:30 (Streaming starts from 12:45)
       January 24th (Wednesday) 13:00-14:30 (Streaming starts from 12:45) ・Venue: Online (held in webinar format using ZOOM)
     ●Business overview explanation
●About the outline of this project (project outline/subsidy requirements) ● Explanation of the system (public application guidelines, forms, examination standards)
      ●About future expected schedule
     ●Frequently asked questions
     ●Training on tourism data utilization
・How to participate: Please access the application form below and register for participation.
・Click here for the information session website:
2. Overview of sustainable tourism promotion project by preventing and controlling overtourism
We support local governments, DMOs, private businesses, etc. that are working to create sustainable tourism areas while simultaneously accepting tourists and ensuring the quality of life of residents. In addition to supporting initiatives that contribute to measures to prevent and control overtourism, we will provide comprehensive support for establishing forums for consultation among local stakeholders, including residents, and for planning and initiatives based on consultation.

-Subsidy target-
・Local governments
-Subsidy amount-
・Subsidy rate 2/3
・Support upper limit: 80 million yen (upper limit for subsidy expenses: 120 million yen)
-Number of proposals to be adopted-
・About 20 regions
-Implementation requirements, etc.-
・Establishment of a forum for consultation among local stakeholders (including participation of residents, reflecting opinions, and conducting hearings)
・During discussions, develop plans for countermeasures that are tailored to the local situation to address current or anticipated issues. Implement initiatives based on the established plan
・Supporting operating expenses for consultation forums,
planning/preliminary survey expenses, and initiative
(demonstration/full-scale implementation) expenses

-Subsidy target-
・Local governments
・DMO, private business operators (submission of written consent from local government is required), etc.
-Subsidy amount-
・Subsidy rate 1/2
・Support upper limit: 50 million yen (upper limit for subsidy expenses: 100 million yen)
-Implementation requirements, etc.-
・Implement initiatives tailored to local circumstances to address current or anticipated issues.
・Support for preliminary survey expenses and initiative
(demonstration/full-scale implementation) expenses
Contact information regarding this project
“Sustainable Tourism Promotion Project by Preventing and Suppressing Overtourism” Secretariat
More details about this release: