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Home » SHE SHEmoney conducts a women’s “asset management awareness survey.” More than 90% of women feel anxious about asset management in the new fiscal year!

SHE SHEmoney conducts a women’s “asset management awareness survey.” More than 90% of women feel anxious about asset management in the new fiscal year!

[SHE] SHEmoney conducts a women’s “asset management awareness survey.” More than 90% of women feel anxious about asset management in the new fiscal year!

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Press release: March 28, 2024
SHEmoney conducts women’s “asset management awareness survey.” More than 90% of women feel anxious about asset management in the new fiscal year!
*The number one barrier to starting asset management is “concern about one’s own level of knowledge,” and the most sought-after support is “input of reliable information” and “accompaniment/consultation from a professional.”*
SHE Co., Ltd. (location: Minato-ku, Tokyo; CEO/CCO: Eri Fukuda; hereinafter referred to as SHE), which operates the money coaching studio for women “SHEmoney”, has announced the launch of the new NISA system and the stock market. In response to the growing interest in the latest financial and economic news, we conducted a “money awareness survey” targeting millennial women. *
* ■ Research background*
As financial and economic topics such as the new NISA system starting in 2024, Japan’s average stock price hitting new highs, and the end of negative interest rates are heating up, asset management and investment are also attracting more attention. The average age to start investing is said to be between the 20s and 30s, but on the other hand, some people may not be able to take the plunge due to concerns about acquiring the correct knowledge and risks.
SHEmoney provides services with the aim of helping women learn to live a money life while resolving money worries and anxieties related to life events and careers that are unique to women.
In response to the growing awareness of investment and asset management, we conducted a survey of women in their 20s to 50s about their investment awareness, preparation for asset management, and challenges.

■ Survey results summary
* [1. About money worries in the new year and new life] *
Regarding concerns about money in the new year and new life, *more than 90% of those surveyed answered that they were worried about money*. * Approximately one in three people feel worried about saving money *.
* [2. Regarding economic recovery] *
* Just under 80% are aware of the fact that the Nikkei Stock Average has reached a new high.
Less than 3%* of people saw their income increase as stock prices rose, and the economy has not yet recovered in real terms.
* [3. Regarding investment motivation] *
*More than 80% of respondents said they were interested in asset management.* Specifically, a majority* of them are interested in stock investment and mutual funds*.

* [4. Actions to start asset management]*
* Approximately one in four people take action * to prepare for investment, but * More than half of them only collect information on SNS and websites *.

* [5. Concerns about the announcement of the new NISA] *
*Although approximately 90%* are aware of the new NISA system, *half of them are concerned about their level of knowledge regarding asset management*.
* [6. Factors that prevent you from starting asset management]* *Most people cited “lack of personal knowledge”* as a barrier to starting investing.
Other responses included “I don’t have the money or time” and “I don’t know if it’s right for me.”
* [7. Support required when starting asset management]*
As support for starting asset management, many people are looking for “reliable information” and “an environment where they can consult with professionals” to compensate for their anxiety and confidence in their own knowledge level.*
* [1. About money worries in the new year and new life] *
Regarding concerns about money in the new year and new life, *more than 90% of those surveyed answered that they were worried about money*. * Approximately one in three people feel worried * about saving money.
* [2. Regarding economic recovery] *
* Just under 80% are aware of the fact that the Nikkei Stock Average has reached a new high.
Less than 3%* of people saw their income increase as stock prices rose, and the economy has not yet recovered in real terms.
* [3. Regarding investment motivation] *
*More than 80% of respondents said they were interested in asset management.* Specifically, a majority* of them are interested in stock investment and mutual funds*.

* [4. Actions to start asset management]*
* Approximately one in four people take action * to prepare for investment, but * More than half of them only collect information on SNS and websites *.

* [5. Concerns about the announcement of the new NISA] *
Approximately 90% of respondents are aware of the new NISA system, but approximately half of them are concerned about their level of knowledge regarding asset management.
* [6. Factors that prevent you from starting asset management]* *Most people cited “lack of personal knowledge”* as a barrier to starting investing.
Other responses included “I don’t have the money or time” and “I don’t know if it’s right for me.”
* [7. Support required when starting asset management]*
As support for starting asset management, many people are looking for “reliable information” and “an environment where they can consult with professionals” to compensate for their anxiety and confidence in their own knowledge level.*
■ Survey overview
Research method: Internet
Survey target: Women in their 20s to 50s (43.8% in their 20s, 43.6% in their 30s, 11.6% in their 40s, 1.1% in their 50s)
Number of respondents: n=381
Survey period: March 8, 2024 (Friday) to March 11, 2024 (Monday) Survey content analysis: SHE Co., Ltd.
*Survey results are rounded to the second decimal place.
*When using the survey results in this release, please indicate [Research by SHE Co., Ltd.].
* [1. About money worries in the new year and new life] *
Regarding concerns about money in the new year and new life,* more than 90% of those surveyed answered that they were worried about money*. * Approximately 1 in 3 people feel worried about saving money*.
Regarding concerns about money in preparation for the new year and new life, 93.0% of respondents said they were worried about money, indicating that more than 90% had some kind of anxiety.
Also, when asked about the specific reason for worrying about money, “Savings and Savings” came first at 29.8%. This was followed by “soaring living costs due to rising prices,” “increase in income,” and “expenses related to personal life events” as concerns, in that order, with approximately 20% of respondents responding to each. Regarding “high taxes” and “high tax burden rate,” the national burden rate is often reported in the media, but only less than 10% of respondents cited it as a factor of financial anxiety.

* [2. Regarding economic recovery] *
* Just under 80% are aware of the “Nikkei 225 Stock Average setting new record high”*, but less than 3% have seen an increase in income* as a result of the rise in stock prices*
However, the economy has not yet reached a substantial economic recovery. When asked if they knew about the “Nikkei Stock Average’s all-time high record”, 78.1% answered “I know”, which is approximately 80% of respondents.
On the other hand, when asked whether their income has increased in response to the rise in the Nikkei Stock Average, 97.1% of respondents answered that their income has not increased. Signs of economic recovery have not yet been reflected in people’s incomes, indicating that there has not been a real economic recovery at the individual level.

* [3. Regarding investment motivation] *
*More than 80% of respondents said they were interested in asset management*. Specifically, *the majority* are interested in stock investment and mutual funds.
When asked whether they had ever been conscious about asset management or investment, 80.4% answered, “I have been conscious about it.” With daily reports about the launch of the new NISA system and the Nikkei Stock Average hitting an all-time high, it is thought that people’s awareness of asset management and investment is increasing.
Regarding asset management that they are specifically interested in, “stock investment” was the top answer at 66.4%. “Investment trusts” came in second place at 58.0%. More than half of the respondents answered each question, which was a high response rate compared to other asset management.

[4. Actions to start asset management]
*Approximately one in four people are taking action* to prepare for investment, but *more than half of them only collect information on SNS and websites*.
When asked if they were taking any concrete steps toward starting asset management or investment, 74.5% of respondents said they were taking some action, or about one in four respondents said they were taking some action. I found out that there is.
Regarding specific actions, “Gathering information on SNS and websites” was the top choice at 55.4%, at more than half of the respondents. Although they are collecting information by taking advantage of the environment where they can easily access information, the number of respondents who consult with experts or participate in trial lessons or seminars is low, and they have not reached the point of acquiring reliable primary information. I understand that.

* [5. Concerns about the announcement of the new NISA]*
*While approximately 90%* are aware of the new NISA system,
*approximately half of respondents are concerned about their own level of knowledge regarding asset management*.
Regarding the level of understanding of the new NISA system, about 90% (88.0%) answered that they were aware of it, and about half (51.2%) answered that they understood it, although the level varied. Approximately 1 in 4 respondents had a deep understanding of the new NISA system, with 23.0% responding that they “understood the differences from the old system,” indicating high expectations and awareness of the new NISA system. .
On the other hand, when asked about their own level of knowledge regarding asset management, 46.2% answered, “Compared to those around me (acquaintances and colleagues), my understanding of investment and asset management is inferior.” It was found that nearly half of the respondents were concerned about their level of knowledge regarding asset management.

* [6. Factors that prevent you from starting asset management]* *Most people cited “lack of knowledge”* as a barrier to starting investing. Other responses included “I don’t have the money or time” and “I don’t know if it’s right for me.”
When asked what they felt anxious about investing, “I feel like I don’t have the knowledge” was the top answer, at 63.8%, with over 60% of respondents. Next, “Because I’m afraid of risks” and “Because I don’t know where to start” each received about 30% of the responses. In [Question 04], while many people were gathering information on SNS and the web in preparation for investment,
– Difficult to feel that you have acquired sufficient knowledge – There is so much information out there that I don’t know what to believe. ・Unable to select information that is suitable for oneself.
Specific issues such as:

In terms of specific descriptions of concerns about not being able to take the plunge into investment,
– If you start with insufficient knowledge, you will be afraid of losing out and will not be able to take the first step.
・I don’t know where to start
– Lack of surplus assets or time to invest
I heard many people saying that.
* [Free text answer (partial excerpt)] *
* -Afraid of risks-*
・Because I don’t want to lose money, I’m worried about risks. ・I don’t want to lose money by making a wrong investment based on my own knowledge.
・I have a desire to invest, but when I hear stories of people who have failed, I think that I should gain knowledge before doing so. * -I don’t know the correct information-*
・Because there is too much information and it is difficult to know what is good. ・Even though I researched the information on my own, I still felt uneasy because there were so many options.
* -I don’t know where to start-*
・I’m worried that I need to study properly, such as where to start and what stocks to buy.
・I don’t understand what I don’t know.
・I’m curious, but I’ve never invested, and I don’t know if I have any friends who do, and I’ve never talked about it.
・Although I have opened an account, I am not sure what to do and have not taken the first step.
* -I don’t have enough money or time-*
・First of all, I want to deepen my knowledge, but I don’t have the time. ・I’m interested but don’t know what to do and don’t have time to research. ・I hear that “NISA should only be taken out by people who can afford it.” I have some savings, but I don’t have much to spare. I am wondering if it is a good idea to start NISA considering my future pregnancy and childcare.

* [7. Support required when starting asset management]*
As support for starting asset management, many people are looking for “reliable information” and “an environment where they can consult with professionals” to compensate for concerns about their own knowledge level.*

When asked what kind of support and environment would make it easier to start managing assets, 67.5% said “Input of financial knowledge from reliable information (educational materials)” followed by “I can consult a financial professional when I have a problem.” “Environment” was 62.2%.
Many respondents answered “I want to get reliable information and eliminate anxiety and risks” to [Question 06], which shows that many people wanted input from reliable primary information and an environment where they could communicate with experts. Ta.
* [Free text answer (partial excerpt)] *
* -Communication with experts who have the correct knowledge-* ・If I have someone who can give me the right information when I’m in trouble, I can feel at ease.
・I feel it is almost impossible to read about specialized knowledge and future prospects on my own, so I need someone I can rely on. ・There is no one around you who is knowledgeable, so there is no one you can feel free to consult with or check to see if your
understanding is correct.
・Since I don’t have much experience or knowledge, it’s reassuring to have an environment where I can consult with a professional at any time.
* -Input with reliable information-*
・It’s safe to invest while consulting with people who have the right knowledge and exchanging information with colleagues.
・I collect information on YouTube and X from time to time, but I tend to choose posts by users who say what I expect, and I can’t choose content that actively negates my own opinion.
・Because there is so much information out there, I don’t know which information to believe or what is right for me.
・Some information on SNS may be questionable, so I want information that I can read with peace of mind.

■ Summary
The money-related situations surrounding us, such as income and expenses, taxes, asset management, and investments, are constantly changing. While interest in money is increasing due to the effects of falling real wages due to inflation, the start of the new NISA system, and the Nikkei Stock Average hitting a new high, in today’s age where we are overflowing with information, it is important to know what is truly necessary and correct for you. Obtaining knowledge has become very difficult.
Furthermore, people in their 20s to 40s, who are the main generation taking SHEmoney, can be said to be a generation that is prone to anxiety and worries about money, as life events and career turning points may overlap.
-“SHEmoney” service overview-
SHEmoney started providing services in August 2021 as a fixed-price, unlimited-learning money school for women where you can systematically learn everything from household budget management to asset management. After the start of the service, based on the aforementioned changes in the environment surrounding consumers and our own market research, we found that the elements necessary for learning about money are “obtaining reliable information tailored to you from professionals” and “personal understanding such as generation and career outlook.” We are renewing the service in November 2023, with the idea that “it should be put into practice after exchanging real information with people with similar attributes.”
We will create a custom-made curriculum according to each individual’s situation and goals, and provide support during the course period with a plan tailored to the student. We offer services as a “money coaching studio for women” that helps anyone realize their ideal self without giving up on money.
Please use this as a first step for those who want to put into practice the money management skills they have learned in preparation for the new year and new life, and those who are considering investment and asset management. You can apply for a free trial lesson from the official website.
SHEmoney official website:
SHEmoney also regularly holds events and seminars that are open to the public. Please check the latest information from official SNS. [SHEmoney official SNS]
SHEmoney official Instagram: SHEmoney Official X (old Twitter):

■ About SHE Co., Ltd.
SHE Co., Ltd. was founded in 2017 with the vision of “creating a world where each person can demonstrate their unique value and live with enthusiasm.”
Our main business, “SHElikes”, allows everyone to work in a way that suits them.
Creative skills lessons and coaching programs such as web design and web marketing,
The program provides job opportunities and has been taken by more than 70,000 people to date.
Since 2021, we have also been rolling out SHEmoney, a service that aims to help you acquire financial knowledge essential to realizing your ideal career and life.
SHE Inc.:

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SHElikes official Instagram: SHElikes official X (old Twitter):

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