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~ Harbor Research Institute shares cosmetics with family and partners and conducts beauty awareness survey among men and children ~

Harbor Laboratory Co., Ltd.
~ Harbor Research Institute shares cosmetics with family and partners and conducts beauty awareness survey among men and children ~ The top beauty thing for men that impresses women is “skin care,” and men have little reluctance to share cosmetics with their families and partners. Children in their 30s and 40s are more likely to start skin care at a younger age than those in their 50s and older.
Harbor Research Institute Co., Ltd. conducted an online survey of people in their 20s to 70s about sharing cosmetics with family and partners and beauty awareness among men and children. In the “Survey on sharing among family and partners” during the coronavirus pandemic (Harbor research, March 2021), those who answered that they “share” or “have shared skin care products” with the man they live with The result was approximately 40%. Now that we have more opportunities to go out, how have the sharing of cosmetics with family and partners and the beauty needs of men and children changed? Finally, Koda Kouda of the Cosmetics Development Department at Harbor Research Institute will introduce skin care for men and children.
[Survey overview] Survey on the sharing of cosmetics among family members and partners, and beauty awareness among men and children ■Survey period: February 13th to February 18th, 2024
■Survey target: 2,239 women in their 20s to 70s (number of valid responses) ■Survey area: Nationwide
■Research method: Internet survey
■Survey target: The population is Harbor’s EC site members
【Investigation result】
1. “Skin care” is the top beauty product for men that makes a good impression on women.
The top male beauty thing that women find favorable is “skin care” at 18%, followed by “shaving and trimming beards” at 16%, 3rd place is “bad breath care” at 14%, and 4th place is “conditioning eyebrows” at 11%. “Body deodorant care” 11%. The results show that many women have a favorable impression of men’s skin and deodorant care.
2. There is little reluctance to share cosmetics with female family members (mothers, daughters, sisters), and 29% of respondents say they are “not reluctant” to share cosmetics with male family members (husbands, sons, brothers) and partners. 24% said, “I don’t have any resistance to either sharing makeup or sharing makeup.”It was found that there is little resistance to sharing makeup.
When it comes to sharing skin care and makeup items with female family members (mothers, daughters, sisters), 44% said they had no
hesitation, 19% said they didn’t have skin care, but they did make up, and 19% said they had skin care, but no makeup. ” 5%, 68% are open to sharing, and only 20% are “reluctant.”
In addition, when it comes to sharing cosmetics with male family members (husbands, sons, brothers) and partners, 29% said “I have no reluctance,” 21% said “I don’t have skincare, but I do wear makeup,” and 21% said “I have skincare, but no makeup.” ” 5% and 55% were positive about sharing. Furthermore, compared to women in their 30s to 50s, 40% of women in their 60s and older say they are “reluctant” to share with male family members, while those in their 30s to 50s tend to have less resistance to sharing, at 26-29%. became.

3. Cosmetics that women and men share with their family
members/partners are 15% for facial cleanser, 12% for lotion, 12% for lotion, 10% for sunscreen, and 4th for cosmetics. “Body cream/body gel/body milk/body oil” came in at 9%, and 5th place was “beauty oil” at 7%, which tended to focus on skin care.
More than 70% of people actually share cosmetics, with 72% saying they “share” and 28% “not sharing,” mainly skin care.
4. Compared to people in their 50s and older, people in their 30s and 40s said it would be better to start taking care of children’s skin care at a younger age.
When asked when it is a good time to start taking care of children’s skin care, 32% said they were middle school students, followed by 19% for elementary school students, 15% for high school students, and 14% for under elementary school age. Parents in their 30s and 40s, who place great importance on skin care, want to start caring for their children at elementary school age or younger. Regarding when to start wearing makeup, 54% are college students or older (48% college students, 6% working adults), and 35% are high school students or younger (29% high school students, 5% junior high school students, 1% elementary school students). Among those in their 30s, 60% were high school students or younger, and among those in their 40s, 45% were more than university students or older. When asked when they started taking care of their skin, 27% were high school students, 25% were junior high school students, 20% were college students, 17% were working adults, and only 8% were elementary school students or younger.
When asked when they started wearing makeup, 46% were college students, 34% were working adults, and 15% were high school students, and only 3% were junior high school students or younger (excluding 1% who didn’t wear makeup and 1% who didn’t know). It turns out that people think it’s better to start skin care and makeup for their children earlier than when they themselves started skin care and makeup.
[2024 Harbor Research Institute research]: Attributes of survey respondents
[Image 1:×795.png ]
1. The top beauty product for men that impresses women is “skin care,” and many women have a favorable impression of men’s skin and deodorant care.
[Image 2:×440.jpg] 2. There is little resistance to sharing cosmetics with female family members (mothers, daughters, sisters), and 32% feel uncomfortable sharing cosmetics with male family members (husbands, sons, brothers) and partners. The results show that people in their 30s to 50s have less resistance to sharing than people in their 60s and older.
[Image 3:×1112.png ]
[2021 Harbor Research Institute research] *Reference
[Survey overview] Survey on sharing among family members/partners ■Survey period: March 12th to March 16th, 2021
■Survey target: 1,446 women aged 18 to 60 (number of valid responses) ■Survey area: Nationwide
■Research method: Internet survey
■Survey target: The population is Harbor’s EC site members
When it comes to sharing skin care products with the men they live with, 39% of them have shared skin care products with men who live with them (28%) and have shared skincare products in the past (11%). 28% of respondents said they “share skincare products.” Adding up the 11% who have “shared skincare products in the past,” the result shows that a total of 39% have shared skincare products with a man they live with.
[Image 4:×531.jpg] *Reference [2021 Harbor Research Institute research]
3. Cosmetics shared with family/partners of women and men are 1st place: “Facial cleanser” at 15%, 2nd place: “Lotion” at 12%, 3rd place: “Sunscreen” at 10%, and 4th place: “Body cream/body gel/body milk/body oil” came in at 9%, and 5th place was “beauty oil” at 7%, which tended to focus on skin care.
[Image 5:×472.jpg] 4. Compared to people in their 50s and older, people in their 30s and 40s said it would be better to start caring for children’s skin care at a younger age.
[Image 6:×934.png ]
5. Regarding when to start wearing makeup, 54% are college students or older (48% college students, 6% working adults), 35% are high school students or younger (29% high school students, 5% junior high school students, 5% elementary school students). %) was also 60% for those in their 30s who were high school students or younger, and 45% for those in their 40s, higher than those who were university students or older.
[Image 7:×841.png ]
6. When they started taking care of their skin, 27% were high school students, 25% were middle school students, 20% were university students, and 17% were working adults, and only 8% were elementary school students or younger. When asked when they started wearing makeup, 46% were college students, 34% were working adults, and 15% were high school students, and only 3% were junior high school students or younger (excluding 1% who didn’t wear makeup and 1% who didn’t know). It turns out that people think it’s better to start skin care and makeup for their children earlier than when they themselves started skin care and makeup.
[Image 8:×737.jpg] ~Share beauty is a hot topic right now. Learn correctly and be beautiful together!
[Image 9:×1089.jpg] Atsushi Kouda, Manager, Cosmetics Development Department, Harbor Laboratory Co., Ltd.
Nowadays, more and more people are enjoying beauty treatments with their partners and family, such as doing skin care together and sharing beauty information. But is men’s and women’s skin different? Is it okay to share women’s cosmetics? What is the correct skin care method for men?
Additionally, as knowledge of the society, natural environment, and skin that surrounds children deepens, children’s beauty needs, including skin care and makeup, tend to be younger. When should I start taking care of my child’s skin care? Is it okay to use the adult version? In this article, Kokufuda from the cosmetics development department will answer your questions.
Q1. What is the difference between men’s skin and women’s skin? A: There are differences depending on age and environment, but in general men have 2 to 3 times more sebum than women, but their skin has less water.
It is said that the moisture content of the skin is about 30 to 50% of women’s because the ability to retain moisture is low. Also, men Shaving can damage the surface of the stratum corneum, which protects the skin, and may damage areas from the cheeks to the chin.
The U zone tends to be particularly dry. It may be surprising, but men’s skin is drier than women’s.
It’s easy.
Q2. Why is it okay for men to use skin care products for women depending on their skin concerns?
A: The basic structure of the skin of both men and women is said to be the same. There is no problem for men to use women’s skin care products as long as they have a proper understanding of their own skin condition, such as the sebum amount and moisture content that I introduced at the beginning. Why not try it out depending on your skin concerns, such as dry care and sunscreen.
Q3. What are the skin care methods for men?
A: The basics of men’s skin care are facial cleansing and
moisturizing. Excess sebum can cause skin problems, so first take care of your skin.
Wash your face properly to remove sebum and dirt and keep your skin clean. My skin tends to get dry after washing my face
Therefore, be sure to replenish your skin with lotion. Be especially careful in the U zone, which tends to dry out, by applying it several times.
It would be a good idea to put it on. The key is to cover it with oil at the end to prevent moisture from evaporating. At the harbor, Recommended for men as well, including unscented facial cleansing foam, lotion, and high-quality squalane that can be used without worrying about stickiness.
We have a large selection of items, so please share them with your family. Q4. When should I start taking care of my child’s skin care? A: Cleansing, moisturizing, and UV protection are important to keep your skin in a normal condition.
This applies not only to adults but also to babies. Babies sweat and have very delicate skin, so they need daily baths to remove sweat and dirt, but they also need to use skin care products after bathing. It is also important to replenish moisture and oil and protect your skin from dryness, which can cause rough skin. At Harbor, we have high-grade squalane that can be used to moisturize your baby’s skin, so please give it a try. Please note that children’s skin is delicate, so please test a small amount on your arm before using. In addition, when using cosmetics for babies and small children, we recommend that you check whether they are suitable for children, and in some cases, consult with the manufacturer or dermatologist before using them.
[Image 10:×687.jpg] Q5. Is it okay for children to use adult cosmetics and makeup products? A: Cosmetics and makeup products for adults are basically developed with the premise of being used on adult skin. For this reason, it cannot be said that it is safe to use products intended for adults on children. When sharing adult cosmetics and makeup products with children, we recommend choosing products that have been developed with children in mind.
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