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GRCS Expanding SDGs/ESG/Sustainability support services

Expanding SDGs/ESG/Sustainability support services
Promote company-wide sustainability understanding and initiatives ……
GRCS Co., Ltd. (Headquarters: Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo, President and CEO: Jiwa Sasaki, hereinafter referred to as the “Company”) offers workshops in addition to the lecture-type training it has been providing as a service to support sustainability management such as SDGs and ESG. We have expanded our menu of training programs, including internal and external questionnaires and interviews. We will support the realization of sustainable corporate management by providing comprehensive services that support corporate sustainability activities.
Sustainability has become an important theme in the management strategies of major listed companies, and disclosure of sustainability information such as materiality and ESG data is becoming more extensive. On the other hand, in the future, concrete actions and results will be required in the practical phase. The active
participation of each and every employee is essential to promoting sustainability management, but in order to do so, it is important to promote understanding and awareness of sustainability throughout the company, including among employees. The SDGs/ESG/Sustainability support services provided by our company provide support that can be customized to suit the company’s activities, such as lecture-type training for general employees and workshops for executives and managers. Masu. In addition to promoting understanding of
sustainability throughout the company and raising employee awareness, it also contributes to the promotion of sustainability management that considers both business opportunities and risks.
-SDGs/ESG/Sustainability Support Service Menu-・Lecture-type training An easy-to-understand introduction to the background and examples of SDGs and ESG. You will acquire basic knowledge.
・ESG themed workshop Learn about SDGs, the essence of ESG management and how to solve problems to achieve them, and explore practical methods through exercises.
・SDGs Card Game This is a game-style learning workshop where you can experience the concept of SDGs while having fun. A professional facilitator will be present.
・We will deliver graphical videos such as the basics of e-learning SDGs and company examples every month. You can learn at your own pace. ・ESG Survey & Feedback Using a professional approach, we collect real opinions from inside and outside the company, compile them into a report, and provide feedback at issue review meetings. Please use this information in your future strategies and practices.
・Disclosure Support We provide accompanying support for companies that are starting full-scale ESG disclosure, focusing on materiality selection and disclosure.
SDGs/ESG/Sustainability support service introduction page
-Company Profile-Company name: GRCS Co., Ltd. Representative: President and CEO Jiwa Sasaki Location: 5F Palace Building, 1-1-1 Marunouchi, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo Established: March 2005 Capital: 303 million yen Listing market: Tokyo Stock Exchange Growth (Stock code: 9250) Business content: GRC/security related solution business URL:

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