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Pocket Sign conducts demonstration experiment of Kumamoto App with Kumamoto City

Pocket Sign Co., Ltd.
Pocket Sign conducts demonstration experiment of [Kumamoto App] with Kumamoto City
Utilizing My Number cards and apps to help speed up reception at evacuation centers and promote volunteer activities
Pocket Sign Co., Ltd. (Headquarters: Chuo-ku, Tokyo, CEO/COO: Koji Umemoto, hereinafter referred to as the Company) conducted a demonstration experiment of the smartphone app “Kumamoto App” provided to Kumamoto City.
In an experiment conducted on February 25, 2024, by using the disaster prevention function of the “Kumamoto App”, the time required per person to receive evacuation shelters was reduced to approximately 1/15 of the conventional time, significantly increasing reception efficiency. It has been proven that it can be improved. In addition, in a demonstration experiment related to volunteer activities, participants used an app to participate in volunteer activities and earn points, allowing participants to experience the process of using the app.
[Image 1:×440.jpg] Background of introduction
In Kumamoto City, it has become an important issue for the local government to have accurate information on evacuees. The traditional paper-based evacuation center reception method takes time to fill out information, there is a risk of losing documents, and residents’ information cannot be obtained in a timely and accurate manner, so we recommend a more efficient and reliable method. The challenge was to find out. In addition, due to the declining population, the
acceleration of the declining birthrate and aging population, and the expansion of economic anxiety after the coronavirus pandemic, there is a decline in the sense of mutual aid among local residents that was cultivated after the Kumamoto earthquake, and a lack of people to take part in local activities. One of the important issues was to revitalize volunteer activities.
The “Kumamoto App” has various functions such as disaster prevention and volunteering, and is an app that can be used in any phase from normal times to disaster situations. The disaster prevention function aims to streamline evacuation center reception and obtain accurate evacuee information. On the other hand, the volunteer function will award points to participants in local activities and volunteer activities, with the aim of increasing the number of new participants in local activities and volunteer activities and increasing the motivation of existing participants.
[Image 2:×2928.jpg] Overview of demonstration experiment
Pocket Sign will provide the “Kumamoto App” to Kumamoto City as an OEM (Original Equipment Manufacturing) version that shares the same infrastructure as the “Pocket Sign App”. In this demonstration, prior to the official release on March 27, 2020, we conducted a
demonstration experiment using the app to improve the efficiency of evacuation center reception and promote volunteer activities. Contents of demonstration experiment
・Evacuation center reception: Compare reception times using three methods: paper, My Number card, and app
[Image 3:×2928.jpg]
[Image 4:×2928.jpg]
[Image 5:×2925.jpg] ・Volunteer: Verified the flow of point allocation and point usage after participating in volunteer activities on the app. Specifically, participants will be given demonstration points and experience a series of steps such as exchanging points for coupons and stocked food within the app.
[Image 6:×898.png ]
Results of demonstration experiment
In a demonstration experiment to improve the efficiency of reception at evacuation centers, the following results were obtained.
・Paper reception: 1327 seconds to accept 19 people (70 seconds per person) ・Reception with My Number Card: 911 seconds to accept 38 people (24 seconds per person)
・Reception on “Kumamoto App”: 202 seconds to accept 44 people (4.6 seconds per person)
[Image 7:×1030.png ]
Comparing the number of people accepted per minute, the results were 0.86 for paper, 2.5 for My Number Card, and 13 for Kumamoto App. It has been demonstrated that by using the Kumamoto App, the speed of reception and the number of people accepted can be increased by approximately 15 times compared to using paper.
[Image 8:×1028.png ]
[Image 9:×810.jpg] In addition, in a demonstration experiment to promote volunteer activities, we verified the flow of point allocation and point use on the app, and participants got a hands-on experience of how the app feels.
Functions of “Pocket Sign Disaster Prevention” used in this demonstration The “Kumamoto App” has introduced a mini app called “Pocket Sign Disaster Prevention” that supports evacuation center management. Inspection site/evacuation center check-in using QR code
If you use your My Number Card to register in the digital ID app “PocketSign,” you can instantly verify your identity at the reception by simply taking a photo of the QR code. This reception record is reflected in real time on the administrator’s console, allowing local government officials to accurately and easily understand when, who, and where residents checked in.
*In addition to accepting QR codes, the reception system also supports reading My Number cards and checking in manually.
[Image 10:×1234.jpg] Digital ID app “Pocket Sign”
The smartphone app “Pocket Sign” is a digital ID app that anyone can use for free. By registering your My Number card information on your smartphone and issuing a “digital ID,” you can use it as a tool to centrally manage and utilize your information in the digital space. By using the same platform as the “Pocket Sign” app, it is possible to develop local government apps in a short period of time and at low cost while customizing designs to suit the needs of each local government.
PocketSign Co., Ltd. is focusing on promoting the spread and expanding the use of My Number Cards, and is actively collaborating with local governments and promoting DX support.
More details about this release: