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Home » CATS Co., Ltd. Success story Sales increased by 300%! Introducing the effects of L-ad implementation for clinic operators achieved with CAPI!

CATS Co., Ltd. Success story Sales increased by 300%! Introducing the effects of L-ad implementation for clinic operators achieved with CAPI!

[CATS Co., Ltd.] [Success story] Sales increased by 300%! Introducing the effects of L-ad implementation for clinic operators achieved with CAPI!

*View in browser* *CATS Co., Ltd.*
Press release: March 29, 2024
[Success story] Sales increased by 300%! Introducing the effects of L-ad implementation for clinic operators achieved with CAPI! *Introducing success stories of clinic operators who have introduced the LINE friend addition measurement tool “L-ad”. *
L-ad implementation success story #01
* We would like to introduce successful cases of clinic operators who have introduced “L-ad” provided by CATS Co., Ltd. (Headquarters: Shinjuku-ku, Tokyo, President and CEO: Isamu Matsumoto). *

L-ad is often perceived as a “only” tool that can accurately measure the number of friends added and reflect it as a CV on the advertising management screen.

However, in reality, it is possible to normalize machine learning by linking accurate CV numbers as a medium.
This time, we will introduce a company that increased its sales by 300% using L-ad’s functions, from the issues they faced before introducing it to the factors that led to the results.

LINE friend addition measurement tool “L-ad”:
* Issues with LINE official account measures *
If you measure the number of friend additions by clicking a button on the LP, there will be a significant deviation from the actual number of friend additions (CV number)
The success story we will introduce here was received from a clinic operator (hereinafter referred to as Clinic A).

Clinic products have a high purchase price and medium- to long-term communication with customers is important, so an increasing number of clinics are using LINE official accounts to acquire new customers and cultivate customers.

While many companies are using advertising to encourage users to register as friends of LINE official accounts, it has traditionally been impossible for advertising media to accurately measure the number of LINE official account registrations (number of friends added). . This is because the point at which advertising media counts “friend registrations” and the point at which “friend registrations” are actually made are different.
Issues faced by Clinic A
Like many clinics, Clinic A was implementing measures to acquire the number of LINE friend registrations using advertisements. Set the number of friend registrations as a KPI.
Ads were automatically distributed using Google Listing Ads using the above CPA as the “Target CPA”.

Clinic A performs the PDCA cycle based on these CPAs and changes the budget for each keyword as appropriate.

However, as mentioned above, accurate measurement and reflection is not performed on the advertising media side, so the correct CPA, which is the basis for deciding on budget allocation, cannot be calculated.

In this case, it became very difficult to decide how to spend the budget based on the unclear CPA, and even though the advertising budget was plentiful, the company was faced with the problem of not being able to bid with the full advertising budget. .

In addition, if accurate measurement is not possible, it is unclear which keywords are generating CVs, and which campaigns are generating CVs, so appropriate budget allocation is required. That was difficult. * Effects after introducing L-ad*
Sales increased by 300% by introducing L-ad! & Google listing ad share has significantly improved.
After introducing L-ad, we were able to accurately measure the number of CVs and link the CV numbers to Google.
We now know “Which keywords are generating the number of CVs” and “How many CVs are being acquired from which campaigns?” and the optimization of the advertising management screen can now be performed appropriately.

This allows you to set your advertising budget without risk.

Additionally, by setting the daily advertising budget to the limit, we are able to outbid our competitors and win the advertising auction. Along with the increase in the number of people visiting LP and adding friends, the number of clinic reservations after adding LINE also increased, achieving a 300% increase in sales.
*About CATS “L-ad”*
Previously, the number of LINE friend additions could be measured only by link clicks on advertising LPs, so there were frequent cases where there was a discrepancy between the measured value and the actual number of friend additions.
Additionally, machine learning may not be optimized because the actual numbers cannot be fed back to advertising media.
“L-ad” solves such problems.

We have implemented a function that measures the number of LINE friends added via advertisements and links conversions to each advertising medium.

In addition, by using other LINE extension tools, it is possible to measure conversions at points closer to cash points, such as “reservation” and “purchase” based on user actions (talk content) within LINE.

Since it is possible to check which media’s advertisements and creatives have caused friend additions, many businesses and agencies that use official LINE for marketing have adopted it as a “tool that can optimize ad distribution.” I am.

Additionally, by using an optional feature, ad delivery status can be automatically posted to a spreadsheet, simplifying the report creation work that occurs at advertising agencies.

Tool overview
Name: “L-ad”
Price: From 50,000 yen/month
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CATS Co., Ltd.
Representative Director: Isamu Matsumoto
Business content: Marketing SaaS business
Tokyo Head Office: 5/6th floor, Sumitomo Fudosan Shinjuku Oak Tower, 6-8-1 Nishi-Shinjuku, Shinjuku-ku, Tokyo
Fukuoka Branch: 1211 Asahi Plaza Tenjin, 1-9-3 Maizuru, Chuo-ku, Fukuoka City, Fukuoka Prefecture

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