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April Dream Let’s all create a better future and realize a society full of psychological success

[April Dream] Let’s all create a better future and realize a society full of psychological success

Press release: April 1, 2024
April Dream Project
[April Dream] Let’s all create a better future and realize a society full of psychological success
*The PROTEAN Career Association will contribute to maximizing human capital* This press release is a dream sent out by a business operator who sympathizes with the April Dream project and wants to make April 1st a day full of dreams, hoping to make them come true.
* Our company supports April Dream, which aims to make April 1st the day to share your dreams. *
* This press release is a dream of the PROTEAN Career Association. * * -Dream of PROTEAN Career Association General Incorporated Association-* * Let’s all create a better future and realize a society full of psychological success *
Protean Career Theory is a cutting-edge systematic theory and practical method that supports individuals’ independent career development and the transformation of the relationship between individuals and organizations from a dependent relationship to a partner relationship.
Careers and ways of thinking are starting to change significantly from what we had up until now (Showa and Heisei eras) and from now on (Reiwa era). *
PROTEAN keywords emphasize psychological success, identity x adaptability, and relationship theory*
doing. Having communicated our theory to more than 300,000 people over the past four years, we are confident that this way of thinking expands the potential of individuals, contributes to maximizing human capital, and increases the number of people who work with enthusiasm. .
The number of certified members of our association is now in the hundreds, and the number of like-minded comrades is steadily increasing. In the midst of this, we have heard voices from those certified by our association, such as, “Where are we heading now?” and “Will we not need guidelines as we continue to grow in scale?” Therefore, in February 2023, a purpose project (Life Exciting Project-Koaba-) was launched by volunteer members recruited from those certified by our association.
We are dedicated to understanding what each member had in mind when joining our association, such as “Why do we sympathize with PROTEAN Careers?” and “What are PROTEAN Careers’ organizational issues?” and what kind of existence does the association want to be? Through these discussions, we deepened the significance of our purpose: “realizing a society full of psychological success.”
Life Exciting Project-Koaba-
Professor Kennosuke Tanaka, a leading expert in professional career research, says: “Psychological success is defined by feelings of pride, personal accomplishment, and the belief that one has “made the best personal effort.”
“It’s the feeling you get from the result.” *
He also states that rewards, honor, social status, etc. follow “psychological success.” Above all, we believe that this purpose is one that focuses on the thoughts of each individual.
The Protean career is a theory that respects individual autonomy and deeply recognizes its limitless possibilities. *
According to the theory of respecting individual autonomy, the most important thing is for the members of our association to be in a state of “full psychological success”, that is, a state in which they feel “a sense of purpose and role in everything they do in life.” Isn’t that so?*
I started thinking that.

Our association emphasizes dialogue with others in the process of verbalizing an individual’s purpose. As we come into contact with the values ​​of others and are asked questions by them, our own values ​​develop and the image of who we want to be emerges.
When a person takes action toward the person they want to be, it not only gives them a sense of fulfillment and happiness, but also has a positive impact on those around them. While Japan has become “materially rich”, I think it can be said that “spiritual richness”, such as a sense of purpose, fulfillment, and happiness, is still developing. *
By refining our purpose through dialogue, we hope to increase the number of talented people one by one and contribute to society. *

As a member of our association, we will continue to work together to create the future, so that each individual’s career can be transformed toward psychological success based on a purpose, like a professional career that can adapt to any environmental change. I would like to aim to realize a society full of personal success.
* ◆Activities to make dreams come true*
We will contribute to society by building better relationships between organizations and individuals by disseminating the modern PROTEAN career theory, and by supporting individuals’ independent career development.
Examples) Various career autonomy support services, PROTEAN Career Association qualification certification, in-house instructor (facilitator) training, certified person community management

– Deadline: April 8th (Monday) – PROTEAN Career Course
Based on the PROTEAN career theory that has been communicated to over 100 listed companies and over 300,000 people*
PROTEAN Career Course will be held on April 13, 2024, PROTEAN Career Examination will be held on May 12, 2024 *
To do. This course is often attended by career consultants, human resources professionals, and people who want to think strategically about their careers and lives. Please take advantage of this opportunity to apply.
Click here for details and application

“April Dream” is a PR event where companies send out their dreams that they would like to achieve in the future on April 1st.
This is a project by TIMES. We are seriously aiming to make this dream come true.
* Association Overview *
Location: 2F, Shinjuku Washington Hotel Building Main Building, 3-2-9 Nishi-Shinjuku, Shinjuku-ku, Tokyo
Business overview: Career interactive organizational development support service/Career support service for individuals/Certification system management
Representative Director: Kennosuke Tanaka (Professor, Faculty of Career Design, Hosei University) / Toru Ariyama (Representative Director and CEO, 4designs Inc.)
Established date: March 2020
Association website:
*About details about this release*

*Download press release materials*