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Creating scientific beauty through collaboration with robots

Re-Products Co., Ltd.
Creating scientific beauty through collaboration with robots “Comfortable space” becomes commonplace through cleaning transformation ……
Our company is participating in April Dream. This press release is April Dream from Re-Products.
Re-Products Co., Ltd. (Headquarters: Otsu City, Shiga Prefecture, Representative Director: Yosuke Takaoku), which sells and manufactures cleaning materials and provides cleaning services, aims to “create scientific beauty” by collaborating with robots. We aim to
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I want to revolutionize common sense in the cleaning industry. In Japan, cleaning has long been considered to be more than just a task. Cleaning, especially in school education, was seen as an act of training to improve one’s self and increase one’s spirituality through the work. On the other hand, cleaning is grueling physical labor, and it has also been viewed as hard and painful.
However, in recent years, advances in technology have improved the performance of robots, making it possible to achieve accurate and high-quality cleaning while minimizing labor. If this technology continues to become more widespread, we believe that the work of cleaning, which is often viewed negatively as “troublesome” or “painful,” can be transformed into a positive direction through collaboration between robots and humans.
Therefore, this time, we would like to propose “creating scientific beauty through collaboration with robots” as a new way for the cleaning industry, and we have decided to announce this as a dream of Re-Products. The use of robots not only allows us to move away from traditional cleaning methods that rely solely on human manual labor, but also provides a new solution in terms of securing human resources. Additionally, robots can replace repetitive tasks, freeing up human resources to focus on creative, high-value-added work. If robots can take care of the physical demands of aging employees, it will help pass on skills and expand the range of human resource utilization. We believe that this will solve the fundamental labor shortage faced by the cleaning industry and create a more attractive work environment. The world that Re-Products aims for
From now on, we need to fundamentally review the value of
“cleanliness” itself, rather than just the mental satisfaction of “cleaning,” and pursue the creation of comfortable spaces that give people peace of mind and trust. At Re-Products, we call this change “Cleaning Transformation,” and we aim to achieve “ultimate
cleanliness” by renewing our sense of value, rather than simply updating conventional cleaning methods. Specifically, the idea is to fundamentally change the approach for end users from a DX/GX perspective, leading to improvements and improvements in the business environment.
A clean and hygienic space not only contributes to people’s physical and mental health, but also greatly improves business productivity. In the future, we will also contribute to wellbeing through the use of cutting-edge robot technology.
Re-Products Co., Ltd. Company Profile
[Image 2:×836.jpg] Since our founding in 1973, we have provided both cleaning materials and cleaning services, including contract cleaning services, sales/manufacturing and maintenance of cleaning supplies. Our main customers include Nidek Corporation as well as retail stores such as shopping centers, office buildings, supermarkets, and various mass retailers. In 2008, we obtained a patent for our unique cleaning IT system in order to revolutionize the analog cleaning industry. In 2018, we started the “Cleaning Rental” business, expanding the cleaning options that used to be limited to “consigning a designated company” or “doing it yourself”, and expanding the service to offer “new options”. I am.
Representative Director and President: Yosuke Takaoku
Head Office: 1-6 Hamacho, Otsu City, Shiga Prefecture
Founded: July 1973
Re-Products supports April Dream, which aims to make April 1st the day to share dreams.
“April Dream” is a project by PR TIMES in which companies broadcast their dreams that they hope to eventually come true on April 1st. We are seriously aiming to make this dream come true.
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