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Home » Towards a “new place of learning” that goes beyond universities and vocational schools. 18 schools across the country have been renamed to create a curriculum where students can learn through practical experience the skills needed to play an active r

Towards a “new place of learning” that goes beyond universities and vocational schools. 18 schools across the country have been renamed to create a curriculum where students can learn through practical experience the skills needed to play an active r

Towards a “new place of learning” that goes beyond universities and vocational schools. The names of 18 schools across the country have been renamed, and the curriculum has changed to a curriculum where students can learn through practical experience the skills needed to play an active role in the AI ​​era.
21st Century Academia]

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Press release: April 1, 2024
Towards a “new place of learning” that goes beyond universities and vocational schools. The names of 18 schools across the country have been renamed, and the curriculum has changed to a curriculum where students can learn through practical experience the skills needed to play an active role in the AI ​​era.
21st Century Academia]
* An educational corporation that aims to create a “new place of learning” that goes beyond universities and vocational schools. 21st Century Academia changed the names of 18 schools nationwide on April 1, 2024. *
We offer a unique hands-on curriculum through cutting-edge expert courses in 45 fields, including design, visual arts, business, and hospitality. Through this curriculum, students will acquire the “5 professional skills” necessary to demonstrate excellent leadership and play an active role in the real world in the age of the AI ​​revolution, such as “ability to collaborate with other industries” and “ability to strategically innovate.” We cultivate human resources who can be active not only in Japan but also in the world, who we call “cross-cultural globalists.” *

1. Toward a “new place of learning” that goes beyond universities and vocational schools
What we hope for our graduates is to transcend these turbulent times and become successful individuals.
Changes in the market, industry, and society caused by the “Fourth Industrial Revolution” and “Artificial Intelligence Revolution,” which are accelerating from now on, will fundamentally change the abilities required of human resources. As a result, even human resources who have been known to be excellent through “standard deviation education” will lose their jobs to AI. Amid this storm of change, universities, which simply teach knowledge and award bachelor’s degrees, will have their very existence questioned. On the other hand, “places of learning” where people can acquire solid skills in their respective specialized fields will attract new attention in the coming era. However, in order to truly play an active role in the real world, it is necessary not only to acquire “expert skills” in a specialized field, but also to acquire “5 professional skills.” In order to develop such human resources, 21st Century Academia is developing and disseminating various curricula for students to acquire the “Five Professional Skills.”
What we hope for our graduates is not just to be able to “get a job” in the company or industry of their choice. The goal is to become a person who can play an active role in the company or industry in which you work. Through this, we hope that all of our graduates will lead wonderful lives.
With that desire in mind, we have chosen the path of evolution to become a “21st Century Academia.”
Our aim is to create “a new place of learning that goes beyond universities and vocational schools.”
*President Hiroshi Tasaka*
Graduated from the University of Tokyo. Doctor of engineering. Professor emeritus at Tama University Graduate School. After working for a major American think tank, he established the Japan Research Institute. In addition to developing various new businesses, he also serves as a top management advisor for three major companies. In addition to being active internationally, serving as a Cabinet Secretariat advisor and an expert committee member at the World Economic Forum (Davos Conference), he also opened Tasaka Juku, which attracts 8,000 business executives, and has taught many business executives and professionals over the years. Engaged in training. Author of over 100 books.

*2. Change details*
* (Old school name) * (New school name) *
Adachi Gakuen School Corporation 21st Century Academia School Corporation

* (Old school name) * (New school name)*
Tokyo Designer Academy Vocational School Tokyo Designer Academy Tokyo Visual Arts Vocational School Tokyo Visual Arts Academy Vocational school Tokyo School of Business Tokyo Business Academy Tokyo Tourism College Tokyo Hospitality Academy
Tokyo Cool Japan Vocational School Tokyo Cool Japan Academy
Tokyo Adachi Japanese School           Tokyo Language Academy Nagoya Designer Academy Vocational School Nagoya Designer Academy Nagoya Visual Arts Vocational School Nagoya Visual Arts Academy Vocational School Nagoya School of Business Nagoya Business Academy Nagoya Tourism College Nagoya Hospitality Academy
Osaka Designer College Osaka Designer Academy
Visual Arts College, Osaka Osaka Visual Arts Academy
Osaka Business College Vocational School Osaka Business Academy Osaka Tourism College Osaka Hospitality Academy
Kyushu Designer Academy Vocational School Fukuoka Designer Academy Kyushu Visual Arts Vocational School Fukuoka Visual Arts Academy Kyushu School of Business Vocational School Fukuoka Business Academy Kyushu Tourism College Fukuoka Hospitality Academy

*The name change date will be March 18, 2024 for the corporate name and April 1, 2024 for the school name.
*There are no changes to the address, phone number, etc.
*For details about each school, please visit each school’s website.

*Curriculum to acquire “the skills necessary to play an active role in the real world” in the era of the AI ​​revolution*
In the coming era, the human resources who will demonstrate excellent leadership and play an active role in workplaces, companies, industries, and society will be those who have acquired the “Five Professional Abilities,” which are advanced abilities that only humans can demonstrate. *
The “Five Professional Skills” cannot be acquired through classroom lectures alone; they can only be learned through practice and experience. *
At 21st Century Academia, we create a “place” for hands-on experience and provide a unique curriculum in which students acquire the “Five Professional Skills” and the “Five Human Relationship Skills” underlying them.

3. A “place” for practical experience to acquire “5 professional skills” The “Seven Step Curriculum,” an educational method uniquely developed by 21st Century Academia, is a place for hands-on learning. By incorporating reflection techniques into all curriculums, the effectiveness of learning and the speed of growth can be multiplied.

*Fuji Five Lakes Summit*
Thirty-six students selected from 10,000 students will present creative business ideas that will revitalize the Fuji Five Lakes area and social plans that will pave the way for the future.
The Fuji Five Lakes Summit is being held in collaboration with the Fuji Five Lakes Natural Metropolitan Area Forum, an international project developed by Yamanashi Prefecture, and 21st Century Academia.

*Los Angeles Summit*
They will stay in Los Angeles for one month and share their work that conveys “Cool Japan” with the world.
By promoting the appeal of Japan through crossover works, students will learn how to build networks and collaborate with overseas talent, and how to promote Japanese culture overseas. By acquiring practical English skills and cross-cultural globalist skills, you will embark on the path to becoming “human resources who can play an active role in the world.”

*Crossover Summit*
Students from different courses, departments, and schools will gather in Tokyo, Nagoya, Osaka, and Fukuoka to collaborate on projects. By collaborating with colleagues from different fields of expertise, students will learn “creative communication skills” and
“cross-industry collaboration skills,” and acquire the ability to act as a leader in cross-industry collaborative projects.

*Global government-academia collaboration*
In collaboration with overseas local governments and educational institutions, we provide opportunities for practical experience to acquire the skills necessary to succeed in the world.
* “Fuji-California Young Artists Expo” *
An international competition of “social issues x art” in which students from over 100 countries participate.
* “Fuji-California Youth Leadership Summit” *
An international event where students discuss social issues such as “human rights and gender equality” and “climate change and

* Kotodama presentation *
A new presentation style proposed by 21st Century Academia.
Learn techniques to convey memorable messages in short words, and acquire the ability to leave a deep impression on your audience. At the “Fuji-California Youth Leadership Summit,” we will be soliciting works from students around the world with social issues as their theme.

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