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Home » Keyword Marketing Co., Ltd. GA4 Seminar Basic usage for beginners & explanation of web advertising analysis methods / held on April 18th (Thursday)

Keyword Marketing Co., Ltd. GA4 Seminar Basic usage for beginners & explanation of web advertising analysis methods / held on April 18th (Thursday)

[Keyword Marketing Co., Ltd.] [GA4 Seminar] Basic usage for beginners & explanation of web advertising analysis methods / held on April 18th (Thursday)

*View in browser* *Keyword Marketing Co., Ltd.*
Press release: April 2, 2024
[GA4 Seminar] Basic usage for beginners & explanation of web advertising analysis methods/held on April 18th (Thursday)
Vector Co., Ltd. (Headquarters: Minato-ku, Tokyo, Representative Director, Chairman and President: Nishie
Keyword Marketing Co., Ltd. (Headquarters: Chuo-ku, Tokyo,
Representative Director and Chairman: Takii), a subsidiary of Hajime Hajime, TSE Prime: 6058)
Hidenori) is collaborating with Sakurasaku Marketing Co., Ltd. (Headquarters: Shibuya-ku, Tokyo, President: Masayuki Negishi) to hold a free online seminar “GA4 Complete Understanding Beginner Edition!” Explaining how to use GA4 that web advertising and SEO personnel should know! ” will be held on April 18th (Thursday) from 2:00 p.m. Seminar content
Nine months have passed since Universal Analytics transitioned to GA4 in July 2023. GA4 is one of the essential tools for web page access analysis, but there are still many people who are not familiar with it. I often hear people say, “I don’t know how to read the data,” or “I don’t know how to use it for advertising operations or SEO analysis.”

In this seminar, we will be holding a seminar in collaboration with Sakura Saku Marketing Co., Ltd., which has a track record of web consulting for 1,500 sites, to explain the basic usage of GA4 for SEO personnel and how to use GA4 in web advertising operations. We will provide easy-to-understand explanations even for beginners, so please take this opportunity to learn how to use GA4 and use it to maximize the results of your web marketing efforts.
Apply here

Recommended for people like this
– Those who want to know the basic operations of GA4
– Those interested in web advertising/SEO analysis methods – Those who collect information on general marketing

Speaker profile
*President of Sakurasaku Marketing Co., Ltd.*
* President Negio (Masayuki Negishi) *
As an SEO consultant, he has a track record of supporting over 200 sites, from large-scale sites to new sites, with consulting that leads to increased sales. He also strives to gather the latest SEO information from overseas, including participating in PUBCON, which has been held in Las Vegas for nine consecutive years. Currently, he is familiar with BtoB marketing through in-house marketing such as being the editor-in-chief of Sakura Sakura Lab and disseminating information on the Sakura Sakura Lab channel, and is developing consulting based on the know-how cultivated here. He has been playing soccer since he was 3 years old, and he makes great use of this experience in organizational management.
*Keyword Marketing Co., Ltd.*
* Advertising Division Chief Yoshiyuki Ogino*
Joined mid-career in February 2022. Born in Kanagawa Prefecture. In my previous job, I was mainly involved in LP production and advertising operations for toC products. We also provide LP analysis and improvement proposals using GA4 and heat map tools. My hobbies are reading, anime, guitar, and driving. I love small talk by nature.

[14:00-14:25] Explaining how to use GA4, which SEO personnel should definitely keep in mind!
[14:25-14:50] How to use GA4 in web advertising operations
[14:50-15:00] Q&A
*Some contents may be subject to change.

Seminar overview
Date and time: Thursday, April 18, 2024 14:00 – 15:00
Venue: Online (Zoom)
Participation fee: Free
Capacity: 100 people
How to participate: You will receive an automatic reply with the participation URL, so you can apply until the last minute.
Conditions: This seminar is limited to corporations/business companies. *We do not accept applications from companies that are judged to be in the same industry.

Apply here

Company Profile
Company name: Sakurasaku Marketing Co., Ltd.
Representative: Toru Hayashi
Address: 3rd floor, YAZAWA Building, 3-1-9 Shibuya, Shibuya-ku, Tokyo URL:
Business content: SEO consulting, content marketing, CRO consulting ▼Main services
SEO consulting services: Content production/article production agency service:

Company name: Keyword Marketing Co., Ltd.
Representative: Hidenori Takii
Location: THE TERRACE TSUKIJI 2F, 7-2-1 Tsukiji, Chuo-ku, Tokyo URL:
Business content: Operational advertising agency, search engine marketing research and education business
▼Main services
Operational advertising agency: Programmatic advertising consulting:
In-house operational support/education:
Recognition acquisition advertisement:
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