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Building an alumni network for Tohoku Electric Power and Tohoku Electric Power Network retirees

Building an alumni network for Tohoku Electric Power and Tohoku Electric Power Network retirees

*View in browser* *Tohoku Electric Power Co., Inc.*
Press release: May 7, 2024
Building an alumni network for Tohoku Electric Power and Tohoku Electric Power Network retirees
*~ Maintain and strengthen good relationships with retirees to create sustainable corporate value~*
In order to maintain and strengthen relationships with human resources (alumni*) who have retired from both companies, Tohoku Electric Power and Tohoku Electric Power Network have created an alumni network (hereinafter referred to as “alumni network”) using the alumni specialized services provided by Hackazouk Co., Ltd. We have started construction of the “Network” from today. *
*Alumni: Refers to graduates and alumni; in companies, it refers to “retired employees of the company.”

The Tohoku Electric Power Group’s vision for the 2030s is to be “a corporate group that contributes to the realization of a new era of smart society starting in Tohoku and grows in tandem with the sustainable development of society.” In order to create sustainable corporate value, we believe it is important to strengthen human resources who can create new value and establish a human resources strategy that is linked to business strategy.

Alumni who have worked for Tohoku Electric Power and the Tohoku Electric Power Network have a deep understanding of the management philosophy and business of the Tohoku Electric Power Group, and have also acquired diverse knowledge and experience in new fields after retirement. Since human capital is capable of creating new value, by maintaining and strengthening good relationships through this network, we will create opportunities for collaboration as business partners and re-employment as immediate personnel. Masu.

In addition to regularly disseminating company news and career recruitment information to registrants, this network also provides opportunities for interaction among alumni, such as establishing communities and holding events.

* Our alumni can register to this network from the URL below. * * URL: * **

Alumni Network Overview
*About details about this release*

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