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Home » Okara Technologies Co., Ltd. Announcement of new establishment of Okara Technologies Shizuoka branch office

Okara Technologies Co., Ltd. Announcement of new establishment of Okara Technologies Shizuoka branch office

Okara Technologies Co., Ltd.
Announcement of establishment of Okara Technologies Co., Ltd. Shizuoka branch office
We aim to simultaneously reduce food loss by using okara, which is discarded as industrial waste, for food, and promote health care through the health benefits of okara.
Okara Technologies Co., Ltd. (Head office location: Miyazaki, Miyazaki Prefecture) develops, manufactures, and sells health foods using okara with the mission of “Making the health of people and the earth a given through the redesign of okara.” (Representative Director: Kohei Yamauchi) is pleased to announce the establishment of a new Shizuoka branch office (Aoi Ward, Shizuoka City, Shizuoka Prefecture).
[Image:×612.jpg] Background of establishment of Shizuoka branch
Okara is produced during the process of making tofu. It is a superfood that is low in carbohydrates, rich in dietary fiber, and even contains plant-derived protein, but it is said that only 1% of it is actually used for human consumption.
Okara Technologies Co., Ltd. has created the concept of “Turning 0karat (zero carat) rough stones, which are currently discarded, into sparkling diamonds.” ” brand, we have been providing health foods using okara since 2021.
In November of last year, we were selected as the 4th generation of the accelerator program “Takeoff Shizuoka” by the Shizuoka Association of Corporate Executives and Shizuoka Council, and we have been verifying a project to solve the problem of okara disposal, which is a problem in Shizuoka as well. .
Through this program, I learned that there are still many tofu shops in Shizuoka Prefecture, which has clean water, and that, like other prefectures, the disposal of okara is a problem. Taking advantage of Takeoff Shizuoka’s efforts, we established this branch in order to simultaneously reduce food loss and promote healthcare.
What is Takeoff Shizuoka?
As the nature of local society undergoes major changes, Shizuoka Association of Corporate Executives Shizuoka Council (Representative Secretary: Tomohisa Imada, Takeoff Shizuoka Promotion Committee Chairman: Koji Nakajima, Location: Shizuoka City, Shizuoka Prefecture) and Shizuoka Association of Corporate Executives aim to create a new normal in Shizuoka. In collaboration with INSPIRE, a general incorporated association that operates INSPIRE, one of Japan’s largest regional revitalization innovator platforms (Representative Director: Shugo Yanaka, location: Shibuya-ku, Tokyo), Shizuoka Sou supports business growth for regional revitalization. Live accelerator program “Takeoff Shizuoka”.
Businesses and organizations aiming to revitalize the region in central Shizuoka Prefecture are recruited from within and outside the prefecture, and business mentors, mainly business managers from the Shizuoka Association of Corporate Executives and Shizuoka Council, support them over a three-month period in realizing their business ideas.
Shizuoka branch office information
Address: 2-8-10 Falconer, Aoi Ward, Shizuoka City, Shizuoka Prefecture Shizuoka branch office contact: Masahiro Ueda
About Okara Technologies Co., Ltd.
A food tech company that develops, manufactures, and sells health foods using okara, with the mission of “Making the health of people and the earth commonplace through the redesign of okara.”
Okara Technologies Co., Ltd.
Representative: Representative Director Kohei Yamauchi
Location: 1-6-13 Takachiho-dori, Miyazaki City, Miyazaki Prefecture Business details: Development, manufacturing, and sales of health foods using okara
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