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Home » WACUL Co., Ltd. Progress is being made in introducing generative AI into the in-house production system. As th e second step, it will be used for “headline production” of the SEO article production service “AI Analyst SEO”

WACUL Co., Ltd. Progress is being made in introducing generative AI into the in-house production system. As th e second step, it will be used for “headline production” of the SEO article production service “AI Analyst SEO”

WACUL Co., Ltd.
Progress is being made in introducing generative AI into in-house production systems. As the second step, it will be used for “headline production” of the SEO article production service “AI Analyst SEO” ~Aiming for content SEO production with the optimal mix of generation AI and writers~
WACUL Co., Ltd. (Address: Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo, Pronunciation: WACUL, Representative Director and President: Ryohei Obuchi, Securities code: 4173, hereinafter referred to as the Company) supports marketing DX from strategy to execution with data and knowledge as the core. has introduced headline production using ChatGPT to its SEO content production service “AI Analyst SEO.” This is a new initiative following the “introduction to the proofreading step”, which is the first use of ChatGPT, and is a content SEO production operation that uses the optimal mix of AI that is cheap but cannot rank high in searches, and writers who can rank high in searches but are expensive. Construction progresses.
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“Content SEO” involves preparing article content that ranks high on search engines and attracting people who view the article content, but it costs a lot of money for the writers to produce the article. Therefore, unless you create articles that focus on keywords with high search volume by your target audience, it will not be cost-effective. However, with the advent of generative AI, there is a possibility that the production cost of article content can be significantly reduced. However, at this point in time, the reality is that even if you simply let a generating AI write an article, it is difficult to produce an article that ranks high in search results. Therefore, our company is required to optimally mix generation AI and humans in order to produce article content for keywords that have not been cost-effective until now and to achieve cost-effectiveness.
◩ Further utilization of ChatGPT’s “AI Analyst SEO” operation automation Up until now, each of our solutions has promoted the use of technology for “operation automation” that improves quality by ensuring comprehensiveness and accuracy, and reduces costs. From May 2023, we began introducing ChatGPT into the proofreading step as the first step in using ChatGPT to automate our operations by “AI analysts,” and now, as the second step, we are introducing ChatGPT into the “headline creation step.” We would like to inform you that we have started using it.
◩Pursuing the optimal mix of generative AI and writers (humans) The purpose of SEO content is to create article content that ranks high in search results and to acquire potential customers.
With the advent of generative AI such as ChatGPT, the cost of producing article content has decreased significantly, but the production of high-quality content by writers (humans) is still essential for producing SEO-friendly content. plug.
Google also states in its Google Web Search spam policy that “text generated by an automated process without regard to quality or user experience” and “content from multiple web pages can be spliced ​​or combined without adding sufficient value.” It is possible to exclude “things that have been searched” from the search.
We are working on building a content SEO production operation with the optimal mix of AI, which is cheap but cannot rank high in searches, and writers, who can rank high in searches but are expensive. ◩Get a high ranking in search results by creating high-quality SEO content For SEO content, it is not enough to just rank high in search results; the purpose of SEO content is to obtain CVs (conversions) such as inquiries.
Our company’s “AI Analyst SEO” handles the production of SEO-optimized content with the aim of maximizing CV, from keyword selection to article production, and subsequent monitoring and rewriting.
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We have achieved results in getting the content created by “AI Analyst SEO” to the top of search results. While many SEO content production companies do not disclose the top search rate of all published articles, our company, whose strength is data analysis, is able to track this by utilizing the functions of our “AI Analyst”. Through tracking, you can continuously check the changes in search rankings of each article, the number of customers attracted to the content, the number of conversions from that content, etc., and rewrite according to the status of subsequent results rather than “just posting it”. It is now possible to “keep doing things until you see results,” such as implementing them.
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◩About WACUL
WACUL is a marketing DX company that realizes digital transformation (DX) for companies using big data and knowledge.
We started a digital marketing consulting business in 2010, and since 2015 we have been offering the “AI Analyst Series” by combining advanced technology in data analytics that utilizes artificial intelligence and the knowledge we have accumulated through consulting. Furthermore, we will efficiently maximize our clients’ sales through marketing and sales DX, including WACUL DX consulting that provides organizational design and strategy planning, and matching of freelance digital talent. -Company Profile-
Company name: WACUL Co., Ltd. (pronunciation: WACUL)
Head office location: 2F, 3-26-8 Kanda Ogawamachi, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo Representative: Ryohei Obuchi, Representative Director and President / Yui Kakiuchi, Representative Director
Business details: Planning, development and sales of “AI Analyst”, a digital marketing improvement proposal tool using AI
-Main services-
・AI Analyst, an automatic data analysis and improvement proposal tool that supports PDCA in digital marketing
A marketing tool that automatically analyzes data and automates the marketing PDCA cycle, from proposing improvements to measuring the results of implemented measures. Marketers can focus on the strategic tasks they should be doing, rather than on complicated tasks such as data analysis, policy management, and verifying the effectiveness of policies.
Click here for the application site (free): ・“AI Analyst SEO” is a content production service with SEO measures aimed at maximizing CV.
AI selects keywords to target based on access analysis data and creates SEO-friendly content
Click here for service introduction/request for information:
・“AI Analyst AD”, an advertising management service that produces results through integrated operation with websites
Utilizing the know-how of AI analysts, we select effective advertising media for CV acquisition and handle efficient advertising operations on your behalf.
Click here for service introduction/request for information:
・Freelance marketer recruitment service “Marketer Agent”
We match companies with marketing DX human resources such as freelancers with specialized know-how, and support companies in building systems and producing results.
Using the “problem identification ability” that WACUL has cultivated through supporting over 1,000 companies and the “methodology” to produce results based on the analysis of over 39,000 sites, we solve corporate problems with the best human resources available in the market.
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