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Home » immedio Co., Ltd. RevComm Co., Ltd. introduces “immedio Forms”, a tool for business card negotiations at e xhibitions

immedio Co., Ltd. RevComm Co., Ltd. introduces “immedio Forms”, a tool for business card negotiations at e xhibitions

immedio Co., Ltd.
RevComm Co., Ltd. introduces “immedio Forms”, a tool for business card negotiations at exhibitions
By introducing immedio Forms, we were able to change the customer approach that used to take a week after the exhibition to respond on the same day. Business negotiation rate increased by 1.5 times. ……
immedio Co., Ltd. (Headquarters: Shibuya-ku, Tokyo, Representative Director: Hideki Hamada, hereinafter referred to as immedio) has announced that the exhibition solution “immedio Forms” it provides is RevComm Co., Ltd. (Headquarters: Minato-ku, Tokyo, Representative Director: immedio). : Takeshi Aida, We would like to inform you that it has been introduced to RevComm.
[Image 1:×1022.png ]
■Background of introduction
RevComm Co., Ltd. is a company that provides voice analysis systems using artificial intelligence (AI), such as its main product “MiiTel”. “MiiTel” is a cloud IP phone service for corporations that uses AI to score the content of calls and provide feedback each time it is used to help improve the business acquisition rate and closing rate. In addition to automatically recording and transcribing conversations with customers, it is also possible to automatically link the content of conversations with a CRM (customer management system).
Before introducing immedio Forms, RevComm was facing the challenge of handwriting all the information gathered during exhibition exhibitions on paper and transcribing it, which was a very time-consuming operation.
Additionally, because it took time to pass acquired lead information to inside sales, there were concerns that it would have a negative impact on the conversion rate.
immedio Forms is a form with business card OCR function that can be linked with immedio, an automation service for acquiring business deals. User companies can create flexible questionnaires by combining free text, radio buttons, checkboxes, etc., and can utilize the business card OCR function to capture names, email addresses, etc. It is also possible to import photos of the backs of business cards and memos into the database.
By using immedio Forms, the company can instantly convert business cards into data on the spot, input information from interviews into a form on the spot and link it with business card information, and after submitting the form, the most suitable calendar for the sales team can be created. We decided to implement immedio Forms because we appreciated the display and the ability to set up negotiations on the spot.
■Changes after introduction
(1) Business negotiation rate increased by 1.5 times compared to the number of leads acquired before implementing immedio Forms
Since you can enter the information gathered during the exhibition on your smartphone on the spot, the work at the exhibition site will be smoother and the input contents will be more complete. Automatic linking is also performed, making it possible to pass leads to inside sales as quickly as possible. As a result, the company’s business negotiation rate increased by 1.5 times compared to before the introduction.
(2) The number of man-hours required was reduced to 1/5, which used to take about 40 hours in total.
By introducing immedio Forms, the time it takes to pass information on business cards and interview sheets obtained at trade shows to inside sales has been greatly reduced. The number of man-hours required for the work, which previously took about 40 hours, has been reduced to 1/5, and we are now able to complete the work the day after the exhibition.
RevComm Co., Ltd. Mr. Sato, Mr. Hu
With the introduction of immedio Forms, the man-hours involved in exhibitions have been greatly reduced.
Before the introduction of the exhibition, the operating system for the exhibition was to have front desk staff to greet visitors, who would exchange business cards, and only warm-hearted visitors would pass the baton to the staff explaining the demonstrations. The process was to create a hearing sheet.
After that, the marketing department had to manually match the information on the business cards with the interview sheet, but this process was completely eliminated by introducing immedio Forms. Business card information from people who don’t feel warm when the front staff responds can be read on the spot and converted into data, so leads that previously would have been passed to inside sales after five days can now be handed over the next day. Ta.
When we actually introduced it to the field, our members were able to use it without any problems, so we were able to keep onboarding costs to a minimum, which was very helpful.
[Image 2:×778.png ]
■Click here for the full case interview
■Overview of “immedio”
“immedio” is an automated business acquisition service that allows you to make appointments without having to call. By embedding the tag provided by “immedio” in the forms and Thanks pages currently used by each company, the schedule adjustment screen will be automatically displayed on the Thanks page. Since the input information in the form is synchronized with “immedio”, leads are automatically identified and assigned, and the available time of the appropriate person is displayed on the schedule adjustment screen. Since it is linked with calendars such as Google and Outlook, and video conferencing tools such as Zoom, Meet, and Teams, a meeting notification containing the video conference URL will be automatically sent when a prospect selects a date.
If you use a conventional URL-based schedule adjustment tool in the same way, you will have to re-enter personal information after selecting a date because it is not linked to a form, resulting in many withdrawals. Additionally, the salesperson’s free time is displayed for all prospects, leading to unnecessary or mismatched business negotiations. If it is “immedio”, it is linked with the form information, so there is no need to re-enter the information. Additionally, since the preset sales person is automatically assigned according to the lead information, it is possible to efficiently assign the appropriate person in charge of business negotiations. “immedio” utilizes unique patented technology to significantly improve the negotiation rate and order acceptance rate.
■About RevComm Co., Ltd.
Company name: RevComm Co., Ltd.
Address: 7th floor, Hulic Shibuya 1-chome Building, 1-3-9 Shibuya, Shibuya-ku, Tokyo 150-0002
Representative: Takeshi Aida, Representative Director
Establishment date: July 7, 2017
Main business: Development of AI × Voice × Cloud software database URL:
■About immedio
Mission: Design a smooth way to meet people and accelerate the distribution of value
Immedio Co., Ltd. uses the power of technology to improve the experience for both service creators and searchers. Our mission is to eliminate inefficiency from business encounters, make the experience of searching for services more enjoyable, and create a society where service creators can focus on creating and delivering value. 【Company Profile】
Company name: immedio Co., Ltd.
Address: 11F, Shibuya Dogenzaka Sky Building, 28-1 Maruyamacho, Shibuya-ku, Tokyo 150-0044
Representative: Representative Director Hideki Hamada
Establishment date: April 1, 2022
Business content: Development and provision of business negotiation automation service “immedio”
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