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Home » Construction DX Research Institute made a presentation at the “Public-Private Partnership Forum for Expanding Domestic Investment” held at the Prime Minister’s Office

Construction DX Research Institute made a presentation at the “Public-Private Partnership Forum for Expanding Domestic Investment” held at the Prime Minister’s Office

Safie Co., Ltd.
Construction DX Research Institute made a presentation at the “Public-Private Partnership Forum for Expanding Domestic Investment” held at the Prime Minister’s Office
Safie Co., Ltd. (Shinagawa-ku, Tokyo: Representative Director, President and CEO Ryuhei Sadoshima), which has the No. 1 market share in cloud recording services (*1), will hold an event at the Prime Minister’s Office on May 30, 2024 at the Construction DX Research Institute to which it belongs. We would like to inform you that we attended the “Public-Private Partnership Forum for Expanding Domestic Investment.”
[Image 1:×674.png ]
(*1) Share based on the number of registered cameras by engine (54.1%), based on the “Network Camera Cloud Recording Service Market Survey (2023)” researched by Techno System Research.
The Construction DX Institute is a voluntary organization established in January 2023 by six companies, mainly construction tech companies, with the aim of solving industry issues by promoting construction DX. Since its inauguration, we have carried out three main activities: disseminating information on the latest policies and cutting-edge technologies, holding study sessions in collaboration with
construction DX ventures, ministries, academia, etc., and making policy recommendations to related ministries, agencies, and
legislators. I am.
This time, the 5th “Public-Private Partnership Forum for Expanding Domestic Investment” will discuss efforts to continue domestic investment and responses to constraints on capital investment in order to expand domestic investment nationwide. The event was held with the aim of building public-private momentum for further investment expansion and eliminating constraints on it, through interviews with the business community and the management teams of individual companies.
Anri Okamoto, CEO of the Construction DX Research Institute, spoke about the labor shortage, which is a serious issue in the construction industry, and the decline in labor productivity as a background to the issue, the accompanying aging of workers, and the fundamental causes of low labor productivity. We presented the actual state of the analog worksite environment, examples of improving productivity through construction DX as a solution to these issues, and recommendations to the government for promoting construction DX based on the voices of small and medium-sized construction businesses.
Prime Minister Kishida said, “We can’t wait to respond to the labor shortage. Digitalization at construction sites by the Construction DX Research Institute… We will balance improving the quality of services and freeing people on site from indirect work.” Regarding the catalog-style labor-saving investment support for small and medium-sized enterprises that will begin accepting applications next month, the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry and the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism I would like the two ministers to work together to add construction DX-related products to the catalog and provide support.”
The Construction DX Research Institute has an increasingly strong belief that promoting construction DX will lead to solving serious issues in the construction industry such as labor shortages and low labor productivity. We will continue to work hard to promote construction DX through collaboration between the government and private companies.
Announcement from the Prime Minister’s Office From the Cabinet Secretariat website
[Image 2:×675.png ]
Safie has been promoting on-site DX in the construction and civil engineering industries by providing video data not only for crime prevention purposes, but also as a variety of solutions such as remote situation confirmation, operational efficiency, and anomaly detection through video analysis. Safie will continue to contribute to solving industry issues by promoting construction DX by providing services specialized for the construction industry.
About Construction DX Institute
In January 2023, the Construction DX Institute established six companies, mainly construction tech companies (Andpad Co., Ltd., Kozo Keikaku Research Institute Co., Ltd., Safie Co., Ltd., Polyuse Co., Ltd., Liberaware Co., Ltd., and Locus Blue Co., Ltd.). ) is a voluntary organization established with the aim of solving industry issues by promoting construction DX. Since its inauguration, we have carried out three main activities: disseminating information on the latest policies and cutting-edge technologies, holding study sessions in collaboration with construction DX ventures, ministries, academia, etc., and making policy recommendations to related ministries, agencies, and legislators. I am.
Construction DX Research Institute Secretariat (within Andpad Co., Ltd.) HP:
X (formerly Twitter) official account: @kensetsuDX_lab
[Image 3:×906.png ]
■What is cloud recording service “Safie”?
Safie is the No. 1 cloud recording service that allows you to check footage anytime and anywhere just by connecting your camera to the Internet.
Based on our vision of “Creating the future from images,” we aim to create a future where people can use images to make decisions, and to create a video platform that can be easily used by everyone, from companies to individuals.
We have a business concept of “DXing the ‘sites’ of all industries using video data,” and are taking the initiative in promoting DX of all types of sites such as retail, civil engineering/construction, manufacturing, and medical care.
Safie complies with the following guidelines regarding data
governance, and also engages in awareness-raising activities in cooperation with stakeholders. In addition, we are reviewing our guidelines and practical operating standards while receiving advice on privacy protection and other matters from outside experts.
・Data governance initiatives: ・Data Charter (published on April 1, 2022) Creating the future from images
[Company profile of Safie Co., Ltd.]
Address: Sumitomo Fudosan Osaki Garden Tower, 1-1-1 Nishi-Shinagawa, Shinagawa-ku, Tokyo
Established October 2014
Representative Ryuhei Sadoshima
Business details: Operation of cloud recording and video management platform “Safie”
Service site U R L
Corporate site U R L
Recruitment page
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