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Home » Drone Japan Co., Ltd. “Drone Open Platform Project” expanded to 55 partners

Drone Japan Co., Ltd. “Drone Open Platform Project” expanded to 55 partners

Drone Japan Co., Ltd.
“Drone Open Platform Project” expands to 55 partners
~The Drone Open Platform Project (D.O.P.) is expanding to create a platform that allows technology collaboration among drone-related companies~
Drone Japan Co., Ltd. (Location: Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo, Representative Director: Kiichiro Katsumata) is a domestic drone manufacturer that not only develops aircraft, but also has a track record of development in various fields. Eames Robotics Co., Ltd. (Location: Minamisoma City, Fukushima Prefecture, Representative Director) In order to accelerate the social implementation of domestic drone-related products and services by collaborating with Eiji Soya (President and CEO) and building on his experience and partner collaboration, we will form a platform that allows technology collaboration among
drone-related companies. has been promoting the Drone Open Platform Project (D.O.P.) (
The number of partners of D.O.P., which has been promoting the concept of “forming a technology collaboration platform for drone-related companies,” has expanded from 40 last year to 55. (Including 8 private companies)
[Image 1:×703.png ]
1. What is D.O.P.?
Drone Japan and Eames Robotics, the participating partners of this project, will be the project members.
With the aim of forming a “platform that allows technology
collaboration among drone-related companies,” we will break down drones into each technology block, 1) establish rules for connections and data exchange between blocks, and 2) develop drone solutions for each function. 3) organizing drone technology in each business field, 4) developing human resources to promote this project, and 5) building a common support system.
2. Project partners (8 companies not disclosed) (Those in bold have joined within the past year)

・Secure Drone Council
[Image 2:×706.jpg] (In no particular order, as of June 5, 2024)
3. DOP SUITE(TM) released
As a result of D.O.P., DOP SUITE(TM) – Drone aircraft management and support infrastructure package service – was released in April 2024. DOP SUITE(TM) is a cloud application that supports stable operation as the use of drones continues to advance.
DOP SUITE(TM) has been adopted in Eames Robotics Co., Ltd.’s “E6150TC,” a type 2 certified aircraft.
[Image 3:×409.png ]
4. Future goals and initiatives
During 2024:
・Expansion of DOP solutions
・Expand to land and water drones other than sky drones
Target number of project members
・Companies providing technology block services: 50 companies ・Product process partners ・Business scheme partners: 10 companies ・Aircraft manufacturers: 20 companies
More details about this release: