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Home » Nomura Asset Management Co., Ltd. Nomura AM receives awards for two investment strategies in the defined benefit pension category at the R&I Fund Awards 2024

Nomura Asset Management Co., Ltd. Nomura AM receives awards for two investment strategies in the defined benefit pension category at the R&I Fund Awards 2024

[Nomura Asset Management Co., Ltd.] Nomura AM receives awards for two investment strategies in the defined benefit pension category at the R&I Fund Awards 2024

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Press release: June 5, 2024
Nomura AM receives awards for two investment strategies in the defined benefit pension category at the R&I Fund Awards 2024
Nomura Asset Management Co., Ltd. (CEO and President: Hiroyasu Koike, hereinafter referred to as the “Company”) today announced that it has been selected by Rating and Investment Information, Inc. (R&I) in the defined benefit pension category of the “R&I Fund Awards 2024”. We are pleased to inform you that the following two strategies operated by have won awards.
*Category* *Operation strategy name*
Domestic Bonds Domestic Bonds Active
Alternative (Stock Market Neutral) Japanese Equity Dual Alpha

“Domestic Bond Active” combines an interest rate strategy that focuses on movements in the yield curve, based on thorough fundamental analysis, and a credit strategy that selectively invests in corporate bonds of issuers with stable creditworthiness. We aim to obtain stable excess profits. “Japan Stock Dual Alpha” uses a dollar-neutral strategy that maintains long and short positions at approximately the same amount. Utilizing our traditional active management method, which has a long-term track record of over 20 years, we buy stocks that are expected to have higher investment returns than the market as a whole, and sell stocks that are expected to be lower than the overall market, thereby reducing the return disparity between each position. This is a strategy that aims to earn stable profits regardless of stock market trends. We received this award in recognition of the operational results of each strategy.

In addition, 15 of our funds won awards in the investment
trust-related category at the R&I Fund Awards 2024, which was announced on April 25, 2024*.

The Japanese government has set forth a plan to realize an asset management nation, and as the asset management business is required to become more sophisticated, we will continue to compete with the aim of becoming Japan’s leading asset management company, chosen by customers around the world. We will continue to provide powerful products and services to our investors.

*Please refer to the news release dated April 25, 2024, “Received a total of 15 awards at the R&I Fund Awards 2024, including 8 Best Fund Awards.”

that’s all

*About R&I Fund Award 2024*
The purpose of the “R&I Fund Award” is to provide reference
information based on past data that R&I deems reliable (however, R&I does not guarantee its accuracy or completeness). It is not a recommendation to buy, sell, or hold, nor is it a guarantee of future performance. This grand prize is not for credit rating business, but for other businesses stipulated in Article 299, Paragraph 1, Item 28 of the Cabinet Office Ordinance on Financial Instruments Transaction Business, etc. (business other than credit rating business and non-related business). business). Regarding such operations, laws and regulations require that measures be taken to ensure that credit rating activities are not unduly influenced. Copyrights and other intellectual property rights and all other rights related to this award belong to R&I, and any unauthorized reproduction or reproduction is prohibited.

* -Notice from Nomura Asset Management-*
■Risks and costs related to investment advisory services (investment advisory business and investment management business)
[About risks related to investment advisory services]
Regarding financial product transactions conducted for customers, we invest in stocks, bonds with stock acquisition rights, public and corporate bonds, etc. (including investments through investment trusts, limited partnerships, etc.) There is a risk that the prices of stocks, currencies, etc. in which you invest may fall, resulting in losses due to the effects of changes in interest rates, interest rates, and changes in the issuer’s performance or financial condition. Additionally, this product may use derivative transactions. Because this transaction is conducted using leverage that exceeds the amount of margin, the price may fluctuate due to fluctuations in the underlying securities or indexes, and there is a possibility that losses will exceed the amount of margin deposited. Additionally, this leverage ratio cannot be displayed in advance as it changes from time to time due to changes in investment policy and domestic and overseas market environments. The margin will be deposited from the contract assets during the period of the derivative transaction, in an amount that we judge to be appropriate based on the calculations of the client securities company.

[About costs related to investment advisory services]
This material is not intended as a direct solicitation. If we provide investment products in the future, the following costs will be incurred. The general calculation method is outlined below, but as the rate varies depending on the details of the contract with the customer, we are unable to provide specifics.
・As compensation for investment advisory services, investment advisory fees are generally paid at a predetermined rate (a%) based on the contracted asset amount depending on the contract period. Calculation method: Contract asset amount x (a%) x number of contract period days/365 = investment advisor fee for the relevant period ・In some cases, we may purchase investment trusts as part of our investment decisions under the discretionary investment contract. When converting investment trusts into cash, a trust asset retention amount may be charged. However, when purchasing an investment trust, if the investment trust is established by the Company or the Group, the above investment advisory fees will be adjusted to prevent duplication of management fees. The method of calculating the adjustment will be determined separately in each individual contract, but the adjustment will be made by deducting the amount of management fees related to the investment trust from the amount of investment advisor fees. ・Depending on the agreement with the client, the investment advisory fee may be used as a success fee (or it may be combined with the above). Regarding success fees, investment advisory fees vary depending on the actual investment performance based on pre-determined standards, etc., and will be negotiated separately with the client, so please be sure to check the calculation method, upper limit, etc. in advance. cannot be shown.
・In addition to investment advisory fees, securities trading commissions and various expenses related to the storage of securities, etc. are incurred as expenses and are deducted from contract assets. In addition, as these costs vary depending on the operating situation, we are unable to display specific rates, maximum amounts, etc. in advance.

■About this material
This document was created by Nomura Asset Management for the purpose of providing reference information regarding investment strategies. This material has been created based on information considered to be reliable, but we do not guarantee the accuracy or completeness of the information.
All information contained in this document is from before the time this document was created and is subject to change without prior notice.
Nothing contained in this material indicates or guarantees future performance or investment returns.

The above is an evaluation of past performance over a certain period of time, and does not imply or guarantee future performance results.

* About us *
Trade name: Nomura Asset Management Co., Ltd.
Financial Instruments Business Operator Kanto Local Finance Bureau (Kinsho) No. 373
Member associations: Investment Trusts Association, Japan / Japan Investment Advisers Association, Type 2 Financial Instruments Business Association
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