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Home » CData ETL/ELT tool “CData Sync” releases reverse ETL function from Snowflake to Salesforce

CData ETL/ELT tool “CData Sync” releases reverse ETL function from Snowflake to Salesforce

[CData] ETL/ELT tool “CData Sync” releases reverse ETL function from Snowflake to Salesforce

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Press release: May 8, 2024
ETL/ELT tool “CData Sync” releases reverse ETL functionality from Snowflake to Salesforce
*~Realizes data collected and aggregated by Snowflake to be written back to Salesforce~*
* May 8, 2024, CData Software Japan LLC (Headquarters: North Carolina, USA, Japan Office: Sendai City, Miyagi Prefecture, Representative Employee)
Executive Officer: Keisuke Hikita (hereinafter referred to as CData) is responsible for the cloud/DB data ETL/ELT data pipeline tool “CData”.
Sync is pleased to announce the release of reverse ETL functionality from Snowflake to Salesforce. This allows Lead
Operations such as writing aggregated scoring data in DWH back to Salesforce are performed using CData Sync.
This can be achieved with one platform. *
Supports reverse ETL from Snowflake to Salesforce
* ■Reverse ETL to write data collected and aggregated by Snowflake back to Salesforce*
Reverse ETL refers to updating data from a data warehouse to SaaS. Ordinary ETL to DWH from data sources such as SaaS
It is called Reverse ETL because it is the opposite flow of data compared to loading data into the ETL.
A typical use case is that a company using Salesforce adds marketing automation, core data, etc. and aggregates and AI within DWH. Lead scoring that performs calculations. These lead scores can be used not only within the DWH and in BI tools that reference the DWH, but also in Salesforce.
By exporting lead scores back to , sales and customer success members can use them more easily.
CData Sync has been able to ETL data from over 400 SaaS/DBs into Snowflake. It has been used as a possible solution. Now, CData Sync not only collects source data into DWH, but also
By supporting reverse ETL to , such operations can be realized with a single tool.
Enabling reverse ETL from Snowflake to Salesforce with no code You can use CData Sync here. Try our 30-day free trial.
Go to free trial
* ■Overview of CData Sync’s reverse ETL feature*
– Can write to any item in Salesforce (Sales Cloud)
– Linkage mode can be selected from 3 patterns: Insert, Upsert, Update – Schedule execution with the scheduler in CData Sync
– Reverse ETL is possible with no code just by configuring the screen with Sync
Overview of CData Sync’s reverse ETL functionality
Reverse ETL example of lead scores from Snowflake to Salesforce:
* ■Endorsement from Snowflake*
Snowflake is based on CData Software Japan’s ETL/ELT tool “CData Sync”. We are pleased to announce that we have started releasing reverse ETL functionality to Salesforce. Snowflake
Data collected and aggregated by Salesforce
We believe that by providing reverse ETL that writes back to , customers will be able to get the most out of Snowflake. CData will continue to be
We look forward to collaborating with Software Japan and supporting customers’ data utilization and digital transformation through the data ecosystem.
* — Snowflake Executive Officer, Partner Sales Headquarters Hiroshi Watanabe* * ■CData Sync hands-on seminar to be held in May*
We will be holding a CData Sync hands-on seminar on May 15th. Title: CData Sync Hands-on Seminar
Date and time: May 15, 2024 16:00-17:00
Event method: Online event via Zoom
Click here for details -About CData Software:
CData Software, Inc.
is a leading vendor of cloud data connectivity solutions and data integration tools. 270+ SaaS, NoSQL
We specialize in developing drivers and data connectivity technologies that provide standard connectivity to applications and data, enabling real-time connectivity from a variety of tools, cloud services, and custom applications. CData
Our products are used in data integration solutions by enterprises around the world and are OEM’d by over 150 data product vendors including Salesforce, TIBCO, and Asteria.
It has been.
*Company and product names listed in this release are trademarks or registered trademarks of each company.
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CData Software Japan LLC Marketing Desk
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